reno family
reno family
Reno Family
Clarkston, Mich.

I adore this family… 001_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14You guys know how much I love taking photos on the front porch… 🙂002_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14I met Nicole over three years ago when she attended one of our very first workshops.  Back then she was freshly pregnant. 🙂  003_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14Since then we’ve been trying to coordinate our travel schedules to make a session happen. 004_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14A few weeks ago we were FINALLY able to make it happen! 005_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14Ohhhh Ben…. youuuu are soooo hannnndsome! …and a liiiiiittle ornery… 😉006_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14007_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14“HELLOOOO I’M DOWN HEEEEERE!!!! Can you guys quit making googly eyes at each other and pay attention to meeee?!” …that’s what I imagine Ben thinking when I took this… 😉008_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14You guys are just the cutest family… 009_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14010_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14Thanks for asking us to photograph your family. 🙂011_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14012_BobbiMikeFamily_Indianapolis14

Much love friends!

~bobbi ❗