

I've been SO excited to share these images with you all!


 I was taking a standard portrait… you know… for the announcement in the paper and for the grandmas… when Mike somehow saw THIS.  There is NO one else who could second shoot for me other than him… how he finds these angles is beyond me… and yes… I'm the luckiest wife/photographer in the world 😀 

"everything it's cracked up to be" … PERFECTION! This one's my favorite ❗






 Oh, Hi Chicago! 🙂


 Kevin, you are SO handsome!


 If you were there with us in this moment… you'd be laughing too 😀



 If you come on a shoot with us… you have to be down for anything… and these two definitely were 😀


 HELLOOOO GORGEOUS EYES! Nicole, I had these tiles put in before our shoot to match your eyes.  You're welcome 🙂



 I really love shooting in urban areas, just do 🙂 Try… next time you're in a downtown area… seeing it with new eyes… you'll start seeing doorways, alleys, old buildings, things that would usually be passed by as junk… in a whole new light. 😀 When and if you ever decide to try this little experiment, be sure to bring along your camera 🙂






We make a living playing in traffic 🙂 Mike's favorite ❓


CHICAGO. We love shooting engagement sessions. Nicole and Kevin are the perfect couple with perfect wedding plans… I mean duh… they hired us… of course they know what they're doing 😉

When Nicole told us that she and Kevin owned a scooter…. I WAS PUMMMMMMPED!!!!!! I guess when Kevin went into the scooter dealership… he had a very specific scooter that he wanted.. wellllll…. the ONLY ones that were in stock were red.  He really wanted a blue one… but that would have taken a month to come in… so he settled with red.  HOWEVER… from an "engagement session with scooter" standpoint… THE RED WAS AWWWWESOME!

On that note… we really love when couples go outside of the box and try to think of new and exciting things to incorporate into their sessions to make them unique to them. 🙂 Okay, off of that soapbox…

The four of us had a blast walking around Chicago… one of the many things I love about place is that everytime were there… we see something completely new (to us). This time… we explored the western part of downtown Chicago… loved it 😀

We SO canNOT wait until their wedding…. August, 2010….. YEAH!!!!!!!


~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓



 That wall that I tiled again… You're welcome, again. 😉



❗ + ❓