


Love this 🙂 Can you say CANVAS?! I can… “CANVAS!”



Nicole was in need of a bio photo for her alllllmost newly launched website 😀 SOOOO CLOOOOSE!!! This one was my pick 😀 HOT TAMALE TOWN, USA!!!!!! My favorite ❗ Dan, you look SOOOO handsome in this photo!!!!


Bring it in tiiiiight!


The light was magic that day… I tell you… MAGIC! So maybe this one is my favorite… hmmmm…. ❗


Or… THIS ONE!!!! ❗






I adore these two… just do 😀


I couldn’t pick which of these two I liked better…


So, I blogged them both 😀 And, it’s my blog…. so I can do that 😉



Cool blue chair, huh? Yeah… I guess Dan knows a guy who knows a guy who owns an antique store… done and done 😀


MOMMA CHARLOTTE!!!!!!!!!! (Nicole’s mom came along to keep an eye on the doggies… and she’s the perfect mom 😀 ) I HAD to get a photo of these two… I didn’t give an option. 😉


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. When Nicole asked us for a photoshoot of her and Dan for her SOOOOON TO BE LAUNCHED new website… I couldn’t have been more excited! You seeeeeeeeee…. Nicole is an amazingly talented photographer here in goooood ol’ Indianapolis.

We’ve been photographing a lot of photographers lately… which is the ULTIMATE compliment… and I canNOT feel more honored when someone asks… BUT when someone from OUR market asks… for some reason… it means the damn WORLD to me! I can’t really explain it… it’s just awesome. 🙂 I really think photographing photographers is our new favorite thing 😀 Yeah yeah yeah… it’s a bit nerve racking (as you’ve seen me mention here a few times)… BUT… it’s also a rush in the creative world… bouncing ideas… subjucts up for anything… a true collaboration… etc… etc… etc….  WE LOVE IT!

Nicole and Dan… WE FLIPPING ADOOOOOOORE THESE TWOOOOOO!!!!!! Nicole is beautiful inside AND out…. and that Dan of hers loves her so so so much. 😀 He’s hilarious and would genuinely do ANYTHING for her. They’re both so incredibly lucky to have found each other.  Someday they’ll get married… and that someday… I hope to be there. 🙂 Okay, shushing. 😀

Thank you thank you thank YOU for asking us to do this… I cannot WAIT to see which one you pick for your site. 😀


~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓


Hi, I’m Bobbi… and I like to photograph people who are in love 🙂


this is my husband Mike… and he’s perfect in every way…




❗ + ❓