Boy oh boy am I proud of this session… For those of you who don’t know this duo… you should.
They’re crazy about each other.
…and she’s crazy about color!
Make babies just so you can spread those dimples across the land… k? k.
A pink elephant wearing sunglasses and sipping on a martini? Welcome to Indiana my friends…
Hey Morgan, don’t cut your hair.
Hey Mac, nice triceps….
Uhm… are you KIDDING me with this gorgeousness?! My favorites
That light?! YUMTOWN!
Another favorite, just because I can.
Introducing Koda….
Love this. A lot!
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Indianapolis, Ind.
Wedding :: 10.5.2012 :: Indianapolis, Ind.
Together :: Summer, 2006
Engaged :: 10.28.2011
Morgan :: Photographer • Hometown – Indianapolis, Ind. :: breath-taking • compassionate • genuine • gifted • funny
Mac :: Recent JD/MBA graduate. Currently studying for the Bar and will be an attorney at a law firm in downtown Indianapolis. • Hometown – Traverse City, Mich. :: faithful • protector • brilliant • silly • dimples • handsome • (my) home
How they met, as told by Mac :: “We met at Indiana University. Go Hoosiers!! We were acquaintances the first two years of college and after I asked Morgan out five different times, she finally said “yes” to a date. We have been together ever since.”
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Photographing the two of you was so fun. Genuinely fun! I’ve loved getting to know you two over the last few months and feel ridiculously honored to have been asked to photograph your day. We cannot wait until October… Guaranteed to be full of beautiful and crazy fun people!
Much love friends!
~bobbi+mike +
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Ooooooohh…. Nice dimples. What a handsome couple. Mac and Morgan are going make some pretty babies. I love the puppy dog photos. My faves are your faves Miss Bobbi.
Love you both,
Because I love color, too, I’d love to know more about that quilt! Gorgeous photos! Love the delicious sunshine!
This is definitely one of my fav engagement sessions! They are totally hot and you guys rocked it. Her outfits were perfecto. Can’t wait to see their wedding!
great images you guys!!! I’m never disappointed – everrrrr. One day you will photograph me and my family, one day!!
keep on rockin’ it out!
I love the colors in this session!!!
“Make babies just so you can spread those dimples across the land… k? k. ”
Uhhh, YES! ^^^^
You’ve out done yourselves again, awesome story told here.
I had to comment because Koda made an appearance. And of course because they’re fantastic, Bobbi! Miss you by the way, Bobbi–and what a fun couple they always seem in pics! Love that dog, too:)
One of my favs of yours to date! Awesome job!
I love your work! You are such an inspiration as I am venturing out trying to fulfill my dream as an amateur photographer.
I love the color in this shoot! Such a beautiful couple. xo
LOVE!! The one on the blanket in the field… canvas it!
Y’all rocked this one. Great work!
SO gorgeous! Love everything about this session but those colors especially!
BEAUTIFUL! I am wondering about the necklace she is wearing with the red dress…I would love to have one just like it with an ‘E’…do you know where she got it?!
RIDIC!!!! OHH ME!! I love these soo much!
Love these Bobbi+Mike! Morgan you look stunning and your hair is sooo long! Love that you got Koda in the photos.
Outstanding!!!! I mean seriously!!!! These are so so so beautiful!!!!
Such a cute couple, awesome photography! I loved all of their outfits. The last photo holding the doggy biscuit is so clever!
Pretty much loving on this session and Morgan’s wardrobe. High fives! Bobbi and Mike, keep doing what you’re doing
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. love all that colour. what a great shoot!
gah. LOVE IT!!!
YAHOO!! Gorgeous!
Yes, yumtown light! Doggie kiss photo is my fave.
Muy Bueno!!!!
Ahhhh perfection, Morgan is so beautiful!!!
This is an incredible session! INCREDIBLE photographs guys!
Wowzers……be still my beating heart!!! Bobbi, you and Mike have the gift of taking photos that literally take my breath away sometimes! This session is definitely one of my FAVS!!
Gorgeous all around!!
Your favorites are mine. Is there anything better than that wraparound light? So good!
They are both gorgeous. Period. End of story.
These pictures are gorgeous! I got to meet Morgan a few weeks ago when she was shooting my best friend’s wedding and she was amazing! I can’t wait to see th pictures from Morgan’s wedding now!
Great set of photos. Cute dog too!
Koda’s dog biscuit shot – classic!! Lovely photography, nice use of evening light – Love your work.
love the session and love Koda! looks just like our Bailey
another great mini-master class in photography from bbmk!