You knowwww I’m a sucker for a pup! Thisssss is Michele’s beloved Macy. She’s 8.

That dress fitttt!

I first met Michele at one of my workshops five years ago. The second she walked in the door there was an immediate connection. Maybe it was the freckles and blue eyes? Who knows. It’s hard to explain and I know it sounds super cheesy but it’s 100% the truth.

Michele, could there be anyone more perfect for you!? The answer: no. This guy was MADE to be your husband!

As you may or may not have already noticed… I always love this view of a ceremony.

Oh how I adore Michele’s expressive face!

Really really proud of the fun photo spots we found between the ceremony and reception.

“Alright wedding party, I need for you to act like the world is falling and you’re all trying to save each other. Justin hold onto that street sign. Everyone else hold on for dear life.” ::Click Click Click:: “Wait, stop! Hey young man, can lay down on the end and flop around? Yes! THAT’S IT! PERFECT!” -Me
The light that afternoon was SO money!

The sunglasses: “Babiators”

I took them out after they ate dinner for about 10 minutes because you know… this.

I’ve never seen anything like this before so I’m not exactly sure what it’s called. I Googled and my best guess is it’s a variant of “kidnapping the bride.” It’s a German tradition where the best man / family attempts to kidnap (hide) the bride from the groom and the groom has to find her. Here they guests are all making a tight circle around Michele while Justin fights his way to the center. In the middle it’s Michele’s dad, on the right… her momma.

“I Wanna Dance With Somebody” (Whitney Houston) with a dance performance by Justin’s body and Michele’s arms.


Behind the scenes

…when the tulle is just too much.

There are SO many photos of me over the years in this very intense shooting pose. Could I beeee any more dramaaaaatiiiiiic???!! Well, yes I could actually.

I was laying down shooting that “little people, big sky” photo that you saw at the top of this blog post when I turn around and see this! ::click click click::

Work it girrrrrl!

Much love friends!
This is amazing!
You’re hysterical!!! AND Brilliant
I couldn’t wait for this to show up on here!!
This is perfect!
Just perfect!
Ahhhhhh the pictures are so amazing !!!! You captured such beautiful moments of such a beautiful couple ! Can’t wait to see them all ????
Oh my lord…amazinggggg!!!
I love your creativity! Reminds me of the “Mad Men” style pose you asked for at Joey Clawson and Megan Clawson’s wedding. It was one of my favorites! Can’t wait to see what you create at Ali and Jay’s wedding next weekend!!
This is fantastic Bobbi!!!! I love your brain!!!
Brilliant!!! You have such an eye!!
This is just all sorts of amazing!!
Very cool
Too much fun and original!!
These are epic!!!! What a gorgeous and fun wedding! That bridal party photo is the best, love Wacky Bobbi!!
Man, you guys are so good.I LOVE that leaning one with the bridal party… so cool! And then those laying down ones, and their two faces while the speech is happening… amazing.
Your images are always so full of fun and life! Beautiful as always!
SHUT. THE. FRONT DOOR!!! Those laying down shots. You’re a freaking wizard! And the b&w group shots, and DUH the one where they’re all “falling” down the hill. Only the best from Bobbi + Meg$.
MICHELE!!!!!!!!!! You are STUNNING!!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Bobbi and Megan, once again you two outdid yourselves!! That falling over wedding party shot is EPIC!!
This is the best ever
SO much fun….but DANG those bride and groom portraits are stunning!!! absolutely love everything about this wedding. you good, bobbi…you dang good!
This. Is. Everything. The little kid…LMAO!
Wow. You never cease to amaze!! These are epic, gorgeous, fun, and intimate. LOVE!
Could not be any more excited to see you and Meg-o in three weeks.
The world is falling picture. OMG.
Oh BobbiMegan, I don’t even know how to say thank you for the best job done. I’m so so so happy with how you photographed our wedding. I’m so glad you were able to be there, be the boss, and have the best A+ coolest most awesome ideas ever!!! They’re all my favorite. Thank you again. ?
Great job! Amazing
When I grow up I wanna be Bobbi
Great work as always girl!
you. are. money. seriouslyyyyy these are bomb.
Love the blog! The wedding was wonderful and Michele was a beautiful bride! The photos are terrific
Ahhh!! That black and white shot of the whole wedding party is my favorite! Love all their portraits and the “world is falling” shot is incredible.
LOOOOOOOOOVE these!!! Love her hair (reminds me of mine!), love her freckles, love the light in all of these! Gorgeous!!
That shot of the bride outside of the church with her father I presume?…. OFF THE CHAIN! Love it!