
Our second and final fall workshop session… MEREDITH AND KYYYYLE!!!!! bobbi+mike02_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14The second they walked in the door I KNEW they were going to be so damn fun to photograph! …and, as always, I was right… 😉010_MeredithKyle_2014Ohhhh Meredith… you sure do have some FANTASTIC hair! 03_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14I mean… how can you NOT love them?!
05_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW1404_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Doesn’t Kyle look like a young Ethan Embry?! You know… from Empire RecordsSweet Home Alabama… and National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation (Russell Griswold). When we told him that I was SHOCKED that no one had ever told him that before… he had never even heard of him! I mean… COME ON… he’s a DEAD RINGER! 07_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14I love how much you make each other laugh. 😀 After all, it’s one of the many keys to a successful marriage!09_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW1408_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Man oh man you two must live in Cute City because well… you guys are cuuuute!10_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14I told her to show me the reaction she had when he asked her to marry him. 😀 I’d say they nailed it!11_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Love that little nose crinkle!06_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Then we switched things up and headed to a field… You two have SUCH beautiful eyes!12_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW1416_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Let me pick my jaw up off of the ground! WHOA!!!!

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Indianapolis, Ind.

Together  ::  7.26.09  •  Engaged  ::  5.3.14  •  Wedding  ::  7.18.15  ::  Indianapolis, Ind.

Meredith ::  Project Coordinator  •  Hometown  ::  Carmel, Ind  •   five words  ::  beautiful, caring, ambitious, selfless, fun

Kyle  ::  Operations  •  Hometown  ::  Indianapolis, Ind.  •   five words  ::  loving, handsome, understanding, willing, respectful

How they met  ::  Meredith’s good friend from high school named Kevin, was home in Indy for the fourth of July (he lived in Bloomington for the summer) He invited Meredith to come swim at his pool with a friend. Kevin went to college and was fraternity brothers with Kyle so when she got there, Kyle and a few other college friends were over as well. The hit it off instantly and started “officially” dating a couple weeks later and have been together ever since. Kyle actually proposed at the very spot they met, 5 years later 🙂


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A little Behind-The-Scenes action for you!
17_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Oh you know… Amy Poehler and Ethan Embry just hangin’ out… 18_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Team portrait of bbmk Workshop #18. Special thanks to workshop alumni Jenny Barnes and Faye Sommer for their help!  Also, a big ol’ thanks to Ed our limo bus driver… This was the 14th workshop he’s helped us with… and the official bbmk team portrait photographer! If you are getting married in Indianapolis, and happen to hire Carey Limo to drive the bus on your wedding day… be SURE to ask for Ed Maudlin to be your driver! 😀
19_IndianapolisPhotographer_MKW14Meredith… thanks for requesting this photo… you’re just THEEEE BESSSST!!!!

A HUGE thanks to ProDPIRenaissance AlbumsRewind DocumentariesSecond Street CreativeVSCOLawTogProPhoto BlogBlogStompAlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop 😉 for your contributions to our workshop!

Much love friends!

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓

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