
Meet the ridiculously awesome duo of Meredith and Jake… their session was full of win. You’ll see… πŸ™‚

When brainstorming with our couples before their session we like to get a feel for who they are, what they want and what they don’t want. Here’s what we knew before we went scouting.Β  1) they didn’t want urban. 2) Meredith was wearing a dress and Jake was wearing a tie… so, for us, that took tall grass/fields out of the equation. 3) Meredith has a 50’s vibe. 6) Jake is a ridiculously talented chef (more on this later). 7) they’re hilarious, in love and full of personality.

Okay, recap… no urban, no grassy fields. What’s left?! So… off we went!

We found an old farm with a rusted out tractor. WIN!

On said farm was also a collapsed barn. When we got into the barn he said it reminded him of France. You see, Jake trained for chef-dom there. (among many other places). WIN!

PS. I know that chef-dom isn’t a word… but I don’t know what else to call it. πŸ™‚

My view.

Mike’s πŸ™‚

Oh, right next to the old barn was a soybean field. πŸ˜€ I mean, what chef doesn’t like a good farm?! He was impressed πŸ™‚ WIN!

They laugh… a lot. I like that… a lot.

As we were walking through this soybean field Meredith said, “whew… it’s like a carwash of the inner thighs!” I about peed my pants. Meredith might be one of the most quotable people I’ve met. Time to start a “sh*tmeredithsays” twitter account! πŸ˜€

THENNNNN… we found an airport hanger with vintage airplanes! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! They fit PERFECTLY with Meredith’s 50’s vibe. WIN WIN WIN!

Meredith, you’re stunning. Seriously, GORGEOUS! After I took this I looked at Jake and said… “you’re welcome for the photo I just took!” πŸ˜‰

Oh yes… for you aviation buffs out there… your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you… those are airplanes from WWII. Uhm, I know I’m getting annoying but AYKM?! WINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

Not sure what it is about this image… but when I switched it to B&W it took my breath away. I know I know… Cheesetown, USA… but I love this image. I want one just like it… but subtract Meredith and Jake… add Bobbi and Mike. Or… just add Bobbi and Mike TO Meredith and Jake… Then it’d a a WHOLE lotta love in one photo πŸ˜€ My favorite ❗

Nothing like hanging out under airplane wings catchin’ some morning breezes!

Finally… we did some cooking πŸ˜€ When we VERY first met Meredith and Jake…. Jake was telling me about his chef-dom… I said… “OOH! We should take your engagement photos in a kitchen… cooking!”Β  So, that’s what we did. πŸ˜€

“Jake likes to cook and I like to eat… so it works!” -another famous Meredith line.

You see, Jake is very laid back, very funny and very real… you almost forget that he’s this ridiculously amazing sought after chef. By amazing I mean… I asked him at the end of our session what his greatest accomplishment to date was and he said, “being named a best chef under 30 by “Food and Wine magazine” OHHHH… IT’S NOTHING… JUST THE BEST CHEF UNDER 30 BY FOOD & WINE MAGAZINE??!?! ARE YOU KIDDDDING ME?!!?!Β  Yeah, kind of a big deal. WHEW! Oh, and he cooked for us a few months ago… I gave him the “Best Chef in the History of the World” award by Bobbi. Beat that Food and Wine! YOU DON’T SCARE MEEEE!!!!! BTW, Mike’s fave ❓


indianapolis, ind.

wedding: november 6, 2010 β€’ indianapolis, ind.

together | october 7, 2008

engaged | march 22, 2010

meredith | server β€’ hometown | indianapolis, ind.

jake | executive chef, scholar’s inn β€’ hometown | logan, utah.



you two rock, big time. πŸ˜€

love, bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓

PS. m.f.e.o. πŸ˜‰


“Uhm, Mike… I have a wide angle lens… and you’re in my frame!” -Bobbi

“Uhm, Bobbi… I have a wide angle lens… and you’re in my frame!” -Mike πŸ˜‰

The ground was SOAKED… so this was his way of getting as low as possible while staying as dry as possible. It makes me laugh. Mike, you’re ridiculously cute. GET IT!!!!

Again… what’s with all of the sexiness?!

❗ + ❓