That little Cavalier King Charles at the bottom of the stairs so excited to see her makes me smile BIG time!
Also, what an elaborate dog breed name for such a small dog! I wonder how it got that name? I’m sure Wikipedia will tell me. Time to do some Joe Pesci research.*
*“Joe Pesci research” is something that Meg$$$ and I reference quiiiiite often; it’s an Aziz Ansari comedy bit. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, please go back and click that link I just posted. So anyway… I’m SUPER guilty of the Joe Pesci research rabbit hole! “I don’t know much about Joe Pesci. MAYBE I SHOULD LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT JOE PESCI?!” -or- “DAMMIT! I need to quit incorporating Joe Pesci trivia into my murrrderrrrs.” We’re over here laughing as I write this. K. Moving on.

Here’s Craig YouTubing how to fold a pocket square and then ironing it so that it’s perfect. This is so perfectly him.

I can’t wait to photograph all of these bridesmaids’ future weddings!

This was what we call a “back of the church” church. What does that mean? Photographers aren’t allowed to move past the last person in the congregation. I will always respect and honor any rules that are in place and understand that some churches are more formal.
Thaaaat said, a lot of couples don’t know that these photographer rules exist until they see their photos and wonder why they’re all taken from the back.
So here’s my wedding tip of the week: be sure to ask the church appointed wedding coordinator and/or the officiant when researching churches what the rules are. Some churches with these rules are more lenient if you request that your photographer has more access beyond the back of the church; full disclosure: the leniency is rarely granted.

This is one of my favorite parts of a wedding day: the recessional. MARRRRRIED!

These two are so dang beautiful together.

See Craig’s nephew?

My favorites.
AYKM with these bouquets?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE THEMMMM!!! The Empty Vase outdid themselves.

The light that afternoon was SO money!

Scottish Rite Cathedral’s main ballroom is one of my favorite reception venues in all of Indianapolis.

This image so perfectly encapsulates Meredith’s parents. Mike & Betsy, you two are one in a million and I can’t thank you enough for everything that day.

Craig turned into a whole different person when he was around his mom.
Their dance party didn’t disappoint!

Mike’s mom was the MVP of the dance floor!

Betsy bought these masks that she was SO excited about! Meredith had no idea so when the Queen and the Donald came onto the dance floor she was quite surprised!

When a crutch turns into the limbo, you know your reception has peaked. This most certainly was a first for me! By the way, that’s Meredith’s mom on the right reaching for his hand.

You two are perfect for each other. Really and truly perfect.

Behind the scenes
For those who’ve ever wondered, I take all of the classic wedding photos too. And if there’s a church with stairs at the altar, you better believe we take a photo of the bride at the top of the stairs with her train cascading down the stairs. Why? Well I’m glad you asked! 1) most mom’s would be disappointed if I didn’t. 2) every time I set it up the moms and grandmas gasp with a smile, “…she’s beautiful…” 3) because I guarantee you that there’s a photo of her mom, her grandma, her aunts, etc in this exact set up. This photo will likely go on someone’s wall next to all of the other family members who’ve had the exact photo taken, after all, it’s a tradition! Why am I mentioning this? Because some photographers won’t take these “cheesy” photos because they aren’t on brand. Welllll… photographers of the world… it’s not all about you.
K, stepping off of my soapbox now.

Much love friends!
Oh man Bobbi these are awesome! So stunning and I love that you explained “back of the church church” because I don’t think a lot of people know about that! Amazing work as always but my favs are when you were workin that veil
Awww, what a fantastic wedding! You made me a huge fan of the veil shots- these are so beautiful! The flowers are amaze balls! Great job you two, as always!
this couple is so cute, their wedding day looks amazing! As I scrolled, each image became my favorite. Now, they’re all my favorites – hahaha.
Holy moly, that veil!! Gorgeous work as always. You ladies are killing the reception lighting!
What a gorgeous wedding!!! Those downtown portraits are amazing, and that party! Woah! Wish I was their friend
They are SO pretty! I love the cityscape in the background of these. Those colorful bouquets are wow!!! Nailed it!
Love. Love. Love. Thanks again Bobbi for capturing our amazing day
Seriously? How do you keep doing this? And keep doing it better than the last? EVERY.FRIGGIN.TIME!!!!!!! I can’t say this enough… you are the best!!!!
OH MAN OH MAN, what a beautiful couple and gorgeous wedding!!!!! Looks like an awesome party full of pretty people