

 It was a cooooold October day…

Starting things off with my favorite ❗



 We swung by Xavier's basketball stadium and grabbed this one 🙂


 LOVE the red!


 Mikey's favorite! ❓


 Wacky Bobbi strikes again!




 AYKM?! Megan, you're eyes are GORGEOUS!!!!!




 I love me some newspaper stands!


CINCINNATI, Ohio. I think that every Megan and Matt duo gets married in October… we had one this year… and we have TWO Megan and Matt's next year for October… isn't that crazy?!

Here's what I learned about these two while we were sessioning 🙂 (yes, I know sessioning isn't a word… but it's my blog… and I can do what I want… BOOOYA!) SOOOO… in a quick nutshell: Matt is a masters student at Xavier and is originally from Louisville. Megan has a food and wine blog and is originally from Indianapolis.  They met at Xavier in Cincinnati in undergrad and got engaged in Europe. That's the "about them in five seconds or less" version.  If you blog readers knew how fast I talked…. You'd believe I could bust it in five seconds… 🙂

See you guys next October!

Love 🙂

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓


Mike… playing in traffic. 🙂

❗ + ❓