MEGANNNNNN ANNNNND GEEEEEEENE!!!! I’ve been insanely excited to share this epic wedding with you all! I don’t use the word epic lightly so ummm that’s my way of saying buckle up for this one folks!

Megan was such a beautiful bride.

….because…. CHAMPAGNE!

Gene looking so dapper.


Gene’s dad (to the right of Gene) was his best man.

…..deeeeep breaths…..

I always love this scene: the bridesmaids’ first look of the bride.

They. Can’t. Even.

I don’t want to keep talking about how insanely beautiful she is but I can’t resist it. Not only is she beautiful she’s an amazing person all around. I’m truly the luckiest to have met her.

I love marriage. I really really do.


This was surprisingly the first wedding I had ever shot at Trader’s Point Creamery and let me tell you it did NOT disappoint!

I’m not sure if I’ve ever taken a better dad-giving-his-daughter-away photo. I’m racking my brain and no, no, I haven’t. If this doesn’t unlock a special little place in your heart then I’m afraid to break it to you that you may be dead inside.

Being a short photographer definitely has it’s drawbacks, but it also has a few benefits too. In the photo below you may notice that I’m standing up with the wedding party (kind of a signature Bobbi move), but behind them so I’m not really noticeable.

These florals were incredible!


When the rainbow appeared I may have lost my shiz. Ummm, I let me be honest… I definitely lost my shiz!

When I saw Megan’s long-sleeved wedding dress and combined that with my knowledge of the forecast for the evening (rain followed by unseasonable heat in a non-air-conditioned reception venue) I pulled Megan aside and said, “Do you happen to have your bachelorette party dress or your rehearsal dinner dress here? If so, let’s bring it jussssst in case you get too hot.” BADABOOM BADABING! All brides should do this because well… you never know!

Have I mentioned that this wedding was epic?! Oh, I did? Okay, I’ll stop.

Megan and Gene, from the bottom of my heart; thank you for including us in your day.

Behind the scenes

I’m dramatic.

Much love friends!
~ Bobbi
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