



 We saw this cute vintage yellow bike chained to that poll… and with THOSE hot yellow shoes… I couldn't resist! My favorite ❗


And again… MORE YELLOW!!!!! πŸ˜€


Mikey's favorite ❓


 Marjie, you're so beautiful…


 LOVE this!



GAH! I love how much you love each other πŸ™‚ 


Photos like these make the perfect canvases… in my OH SO humble opinion πŸ™‚


 I was sort of obsessed with the shoes…






CHICAGO. OHHHH Marjie and Geoff how weeeeee adore theeeee!!!! Well… except when you're playing practical jokes on me. πŸ™‚ As we were exploring the alleys of Chicago…. I made it VERY clear to everyone that I'm DEATHLY afraid of rats… strangely afraid… it's not healthy… anyway…. as we were in one alleyway…. WE SAW ONE… I WAS SOOOO EEEEEEBIE JEEEEEEEEBIED OUTTTT!!!!! I couldn't shake it!  Well, whatever… try to get over it… move on… focus on the session… I had Marjie lean against a wall of ivy when she said she heard something in the wall… Geoff responded, "yeah… rats live in those walls" I squeeled and ran… I soon realized… after everyone started hilariously laughing…. that they were teasing me…. I was both relieved and embarrassed πŸ™‚

These two are getting married in May… and we seriously cannot wait πŸ˜€ 

Love πŸ™‚

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓