Hellooooooo blog readers! Going through the archives and getting some older sessions posted. It’s been so long that there’s no way I’ll be able to get everything I’ve shot blogged.
I know I know, I’ve failed you. Truth be told, moving from Indianapolis to Louisville and gaining three awesome bonus kids was overwhelming and totally shifted my priorities (in all the best ways). Before long I was so far behind with my social media that I felt completely paralyzed; being so deep in the weeds that instead of actually doing it, I just buried my head to it all. I have adult ADHD and that is quintessential attention deficit behavior.
Allllll of that said, here’s an engagement / family session that I’m extremely proud of. Without further ado, meet Lauren and Mike. I truly love these images and I hope you do too!

The first half of this session was an engagement session for Lauren & Mike. For the second half, we added Ezra & Ruby (Lauren’s kids and Mike’s bonus kids).

I love their love. Throughout the session Mike kept lovingly gazing at Lauren and saying, “she’s just gorgeous!”

I first met Lauren in 2009 at her brother Steve’s and his fantastic wife Jenna’s wedding. One of the photos I took at Steve and Jenna’s engagement session became one of my iconic images. This photo was taken over 15 years ago so I’m not sure anyone will even remember it, but here it is!

Lauren’s jawline and cheekbones?! There are no words!
….I mean… that photo on the right?! COME ON!


This session took place in November, hennnnce the amazingly curated fall vibe – Lauren, you should be a photography session stylist.

Lauren & Mike had bought this house right before we did their session – it was such an incredible home.

Ruby & Ezra are twins – just a bit younger than my boy/girl twins.

I’m obsessed with Ruby’s dress. Think they make something like that in adult sizes?! No, for real. Do they?

I adore everything about this family. Since this session Lauren and Mike have moved to a new hone and had two more beautiful children. It’s been wonderful watching your family thrive.
Much love friends!

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