Ohhhh bloggggg reeeeeeaders!!!!! BOY OH BOY do I have a treeeeeeeat for youuuuuuuu!!!! Yes yes yes… you guessed it… A WEDDING!

The ladies were running a little late to the ceremony. As in… we all showed up 3 minutes before the ceremony started. WHAAAAAA?! Why you may wonder?! I’ll show you at the end. Oh, and for the record… the ceremony still started RIGHT on time!

Because of the aforementioned chaos leading up to the ceremony, her first look with her dad was a little hectic in the very best way possible. Kim rushed in and, she locked eyes with her dad, they both nearly froze and started crying. Meanwhile, “WHOOOO HAS THE VEIL?!” is being shout/whispered in the background.

My favorite part of being a wedding photographer is that I get to be one of the only people who has this view.
St. John’s Catholic Church is one of the most impressive churches in all of Indianapolis!

WELL HELLOOOO BEAUTIFUL BRIDESMAIDS! I cannot wait to photograph all of your future weddings!

Let’s talk about how Alan OUTDID himself with the bouquets…!


I love me a tux with a bowtie. SO classic!


After dinner Andrew changed into a white tux jacket (WINNING!) so I asked if I could take them outside for 10 minutes for just a fewwww more portraits.


Hey Megan, you’re very appreciated. Thank you for being the perfectionist you are. Your reception lighting is ON POINT!

Watching the parent dances had me in some serious tears! Between Fritz spinning Kim around and Andrew having the VERY sweetest moments with his mom during their dance…. phew… both were perfection!

This dance party suuuuure didn’t disappoint!

Side note: I’m really proud of our “party dancing” images. As many of you know, I wasn’t the photographer in my old duo who shot these. Well…. now I am… and well…. I BE NAILIN’ IT!

These two had a pretty intense dance off.

While it was a pretty close call… this flip move was tough to beat!

A perfect finale to a perfect day.

behind the scenes

As we’re getting ready to load into the busses, I notice a group of people huddled around the maid of honor in the corner looking panicked. The wedding planner then informs me that the zipper malfunctioned. She’s trying to fix it with safety pins. I took a look at it and knew, without a doubt, the only way we were going to fix it was to sew her into it. I looked at the MOH and said precisely that. She responded with a smile, “then that’s what we’re gonna do!” I rush over to my emergency kit, bust out my needle and thread and GO TO WORK! 10-ish minutes later… that dress wasn’t going ANYWHERE! The only way she was going to get out of it was to be cut out of it.
FYI, upholstery thread is the strongest there is… I HIGHLY recommend it for your all wedding emergency kits! I have the white thread in my bag and Megan has the black thread in hers.
PS. that scrunchy was on on the junior bridesmaids wrist and I took it off of her when I was taking her portrait. I assure you I wasn’t wearing a scrunchy on my wrist all day! Jusssst sayin….

Megan working hard while Ben the videographer attempts to look busy. On brand!

Could I possibly BE any more over the top?! The answer: yes, absolutely I can!

Much love friends!
So cool!
First of all, the wall plus them – brilliant. Second, this is SO ADORABLE!!! That look she’s giving.
So cute!!!!!! Her expression is the best!!
Oh my goodness, how sweet is this image!? Gorgeous couple, adorable expressions and a totally Bobbi (awesome) composition!
This is Bobbi Photo all day long!! She’s perfectly beautiful in every way!!
I loooooove this one! You can see how much they love each other with that look. Plus her dress is everything.
This whole blog and wedding. AMAZING. A few thoughts:
1. You’re a badass MOFO
2. That sewing job. PHENOMENAL #HelloMarthaStewart
3. That wedding party is absolutely beauitful!
If anyone asks “Why did you hire Bobbi?” – I am just going to show them this blog post.
I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! I can’t get enough of this cute couple…and that walllll. You are all the good things Bobbi Photo!!
Her face!!!! This is so sweet and sincere! What a gorgeous couple! And the way you see things…genius!
This couple is soooooo adorable!
That wall looks familiar! Great photos!
WHAAAAAT?!!! Stop!!! Everything is just phenomenal here…the bride, the groom, that party, the church, the bomb lighting job you guys did…just gorgeous. Hip, hip hooray!!!
Bobbi!!!! You rocked the SHIZ outta this wedding! You and Megan are on FIRE!! I love love love those last two black and whites. And that bridesmaid photo w all the cars in the background?! Perfect. Beautiful portraits in fun, crazy, awesome locations-so on brand!!
Uhh, NAILED IT. These are STUNNING!!! Gosh, this couple is gorgeous! That last b&w shot from the car just might be my very favourite – so, so perfect and classic!
GIRL! This wedding has to be your new favorite! So much gorgeousness! The bride and groom are stunning and fun and so is that entire wedding party! I love her dress so much! But seriously!!! Your work here is INCREDIBLE! Time machine…first stop I make is back to my wedding planning….and I find you! So glad I have you now to photograph my family every so often!!!! Cheers!
Bobbi and Megan, these images are insanely gorgeous! You captured the love and excitement of the day in such a beautiful way. Loved it all!!!
BOBBI!!!!!!! ONE OF THE BEST I’ve seen from you!!!! This couple is GORGEOUS and their day was nothing short of fantastic. I LOVE their portraits and wedding party pics. LOVE the one of her dancing (that dress!!) And LOVE the BTS shot of pretty Megan and Ben looking busy. HA!! xoxoxo
Oh Bobbi!!!! That photo of them leaving in the car is by far my favorite wedding image I’ve seen in a long time. It’s SO classic. But there are so many beautiful images in this post.
…P.S. What other bad-ass wedding photographer can save the day with a sewing kit and still keep the ceremony start right on time! You’re the best. And Megan’s lighting looks pretty incredible too! You guys are such a good team.
I’m telling you – I just DO NOT understand how you continue to get better and better!! Throughout this post, the images are perfection – the lighting and composition are amazing while they all are the perfect mixture of timelessness AND creativity!! There is just something about the way you see things and can execute!! It’s really genius!! I’m always just amazed by you!!
Perrrrfection!!!! Every session and wedding you post I think is my favorite and then you go and outdo yourself! These are seriously incredible. What a lucky bride and groom!
Ah!! You two are so darn cute!!!
Wow. I’ve read almost every blog post of yours and this wedding has to be one of the best ones yet!!!i can’t get over it. I especially love all the big group shots … loooooove how you used the busy streets as a background, such a pretty contrast to the delicate dresses and flowers. You and Megan are an amazing team. These are incredible!
So many beautiful moments perfectly captured! Love the change in jackets with the groom! Such an elegant idea! And Bobbi the seamstress? Priceless!
WHOA WHOA WHOA this wedding is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great wedding!!! Beautiful everything: people, dress, moments, photos, details. Wow!
great work!