

Meet Katie and Burny's dog Shortie 🙂






Mikey's favorite. ❓






My view. (and my favorite shot of the day ❗ )












Katie, you're so pretty!!!!!!











I SO wish I had long legs like this!






















Guess what day in June they're getting married?  I say perfect Save The Date card 🙂






We couldn't resist this hole in the wall!






We LOVE Louisville!!!!!  Such a great photo setting!






Katie's only request 😉 






Love is neat. 🙂





LOUISVILLE, Ky. Katie and Burny are such a fun couple!  We LOVE being around them!  Burny is so funny and Katie is ridiculously sweet…Have I mentioned that we love being around them?

The session started out, as you can see… with their dog Shortie 🙂 Katie's mom picked him up after a we took a few with her.  Poor Mikey got slobberfied by Shortie, it was HILARIOUS!!!!! 

Louisville… WOWZERRRRRS!!!! We LOVE that town!!!! Shooting there is SO fun!  We got there early to scope some ideas for a location.  Once we got there Katie suggested a spot, too.  We started heading towards her idea when Mikey and I realized that we had all picked the same photo spots.  Good work team! 😀

See you in Juuuuuuune!


~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓







Recently we got an email from a photographer who had a question 🙂 … her email was this: 

"I have a goofy quick question … I am getting more and more into taking photos from ground level and noticed that you and Mike do that a lot (love the photos of you both in action!). Anyway, I was wondering if you took the time to lay a barrier on the ground or do you just get down and dirty?  I ask, because I've laid down before and got my whole front a bit dusty and then felt a bit odd, and wondered if that was unprofessional of me. I can see guy photogs doing this with no questions, but is it okay for us girl photogs to get down and dirty on the job?"

My answer to this… and though I may be in the minority of other female wedding photographers… I do what I have to do to get the shot.  Whether that's laying down in the dirt, sitting in an uncomfortable position, or just plain making a fool of myself… I'm not scared. 

Again, I'm probably in the minority here.  Maybe you've noticed that during an engagement session I don't dress up… I wear comfortable clothes.  I'm not out there to impress anyone with my fashion sense (or lack thereof 🙂 )… I'm there to ensure that the people in front of my lens look great, feel great and get amazing photos. 

And on a wedding day… same thing 🙂  I have my suit dry cleaned and heavily starched before every weekend… that way if I'm rolling around on the ground, just a little dust off of the suit… and it looks like it did when I first put it on that morning 🙂 

So, I hope my ADD writing style was able to be followed and that I answered your question… EEEEEKS!!!!!!





Mike couldn't resist taking a photo. 🙂  Corrie, you jealous of that?!



:!: + ❓