Ohhhh how I loooove a solitaire! And this one… THIS ONE… this one is nothing short of incredible.

Recognize the woman on the far left in the large photo? Yes yes yes, thaaaaat’s Sara!

I love Milwaukee.
After their first look we headed to the Third Ward area.

I tell every winter bride that they neeeeeed some kind of bridal jacket/shaw/wrap. Look how magnificent this looks! If you’re choosing to have a winter wedding, then I say we live it up and make it look like a winter wedding!

You two were such great troopers!

Loving all of this red.

Lakeshore Park.
That shawl tho?!

Getting married time.

Kara has allll the heart eyes!

This was taken a millisecond after their “you may kiss the bride” moment.


Just as expected, their dance party did NOT disappoint!

The classic leg air guitar.

The finale.

Behind the scenes
Meet the videographer, Bob Dylan.

MegMoney looks SOOO happy to be my stand-in light tester. /s

I’ve never really described myself as “short” because I didn’t think I was (5’2″). After all, all of the women in my family are around my height and I’m definitely not the shortest. Thennn I see photos like this. ?

This was a first: Two BobbiMegan Brides! Sara and Kara; isn’t that cutesy?!

Thanks for everything Kara & Dan!
Yayyyy!!! I love them all
The wide shot in the church so just so beautiful.
Oops – Is** so beautiful!
Oooooh Bobbi & Megan… don’t ever stop what you do for reals… there is no other pair out there like you two. Mmmmkay? K. thaaanx.
With love,
Tsone & Christy <3
Im loving the dark and overcast sky with the colors in the dresses and flowers! Love a holiday wedding! My fave is all of the cute faces that Kara makes!
beautiful wedding , as always Bobbi and Megs!
Those red bridesmaid shawls are so great!
That first b&w of the two of them snuggling is so sweet. My favorite! And that shawl with those amazing lace sleeves are just perfect. Heart eyes for days.
helllllo, gorgeous bride! these are so on point. i loveeeee the portraits so much! you’re a rockstar and an inspiration always!
SLAY GIRLS, SLAY! But, honestly, no one captures these big day moments quite like you do!! Gorgeous bride + gorgeous day!