

I’ve been SO excited to show you these πŸ™‚


Meet Kaila and Jon of Corner Cafe Photography πŸ™‚



Kaila is stunning…


Mike busted out our rarely used 16-35.


Every married couple needs photos like these… More on this later…


Jon = RIDICULOUSLY HANDSOME!Β  PS. for you Heroes fans out there… doesn’t he look look Zachary Quinto? (AKA Sylar)Β  For those who are new to this blog… I LOVE playing the “what famous person do you look like?” game πŸ˜€ I’m kind of amazing at it… πŸ˜‰


HOW’D HE DO THAT?! Yeah, this is awesome. Mike, you’re awesome. πŸ™‚ His favorite ❓


Then we went to a little unmowed area in a Target parking lot πŸ™‚





KAILA!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDDDDDDDING ME?! You have THE MOST beautiful eyes in the history of eyes!! w.o.w.




favorite. ❗ Perfectly peaceful. So in love. Canvas time!





INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. I met Kaila at a little photography speaking thing I did earlier this year… πŸ™‚ (Yeah, I’m kind of a big deal! πŸ˜‰ ) When she approached me about photos… I COULD NOT WAIT to photograph those blue eyes! Oh, and let me tell you… they did NOT let me down! πŸ˜‰

Kaila and Jon are such beautiful people… both inside and out.Β  They love each other so incredibly much… being around them made me want to snuggle it up with my husband.

Truth be told… these two were disappointed with their own wedding photos (not to worry, we didn’t take them!)… and with thoughts of having children of their own in the future… they wanted to someday show their kids “how much we were in love.” Isn’t that the neatest thing ever?Β  I would have LOVED to have photos like this of my parents as young adults before I was around… wouldn’t you?!

So… why do we only get photos taken when we’re engaged, or married, or have kids? For me personally, after 6+ years of marriage, our love has grown stronger… we’re completely different people now…. It’s a better time than ever for a photo session. And yeah yeah yeah, we’re guilty of it too… but, we’re working on that πŸ™‚

Kaila and Jon… I cannot thank you enough for asking us to do this… it was an amazing evening…

Love πŸ™‚

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓




Now you know… πŸ™‚ You can imagine the kind of looks passing cars were giving us!

❗ + ❓