
Jodie and Troy love to make each other laugh. Thanks for making our jobs easy!

My favorite ❗ I love their smiles, I love the bokeh, I love the simplicity. I love it all!
This Volvo has been sitting in the exact same spot for over 3 years. I know that because I’ve taken a photo in front of it once a year for the past three years.Β Thanks for being down with all of my crazy ideas. πŸ˜€
Jodie, you’re so pretty!I love Indiana in the fall. It’s that one time of year that we get to say booyah to Californians. On that note, hey California, BOOOOOOYAH!Such awesome smiles!Mike’s favorite ❓


Indianapolis, Ind.

wedding | August 4,12 | Indianapolis, Ind.

together | August, 2007

engaged | April 9, 2011

Jodie | news producer for WRTV β€’ hometown | Shelbyville, Ind.

Troy | reporter for a WISH-TV β€’ hometown | Wheaton, Ill.

how they met, as told by Jodie | “We worked together at a television station in South Bend.”



Oh yes, I fancied myself up for this session… I curled my Β hair!Note to self: don’t make this face any more, it’s not cute! Oh well, we sure do look like we’re having fun!

Much love friends!

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓