Jenny LOVES getting her photo taken. JJ LOVES to make Jenny happy… hence these fun images you’re about to see.
As we walked around town shooting, Jenny got more compliments on her outfit than anyone I’ve ever photographed. “Oh my gosh, I love your dress… where did you get it?!” “…cute dress!” “WOW! You look great in yellow!”
Love this one! I was on the lookout for all things yellow… I mean, after all, that yellow dress was the show stealer!
BOOM! found another spot of yellow.
….and another!
For the first half of the session, the sky was drab city. Then as we were driving to a nearby field the clouds parted and the sun came out!
Holy cowabunga Jenny, you’re ridiculously gorgeous!
As I mentioned earlier, Jenny is one of those rare people who love getting their photo taken and hamming it up (OH! How I envy thee!). However, I decided to mix things up a bit and make JJ the center of attention… he worked that shiz out! Helloooooo handsome!
This image is so her! For those of you who know Jenny… can’t you just hear her laughing?!
Ending things with my favorite
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Indianapolis, Ind.
Wedding :: 10.13.12 :: Columbus, Ohio
Together :: 3.7.09
Engaged :: 6.10.11
Jenny :: photographer • Hometown :: Beavercreek, Ohio.
Jenny, in five words (according to JJ) :: beautiful • intelligent • exceptional • loyal • caring
JJ :: accountant • Hometown :: Beavercreek, Ohio.
JJ, in five words (according to Jenny) :: handsome • smart • silly • driven • sweet
How they met, as told by Jenny :: “First time we met was at a golf scramble where I was the last resort girl. We were both dating other people at the time but stayed in touch via Facebook over the next few months. After our first date, I totes knew he was the one….even if it may have taken him awhile…”
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YA DAMMMMN RIGHT I’m shooting with the Mark III!
[br] See you in October. Much love friends!
~bobbi+mike +
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GORGEOUS!!! And yeah, she made a good call with the yellow dress, it is great on her!
Beautiful, beautiful session!! A session by you guys is on my bucket list…just so you know.
LOVE!!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE! omg I can’t stop looking at them!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures and the people in them (and the people that shot them:)! I also love the variety from the first outfit to the second and the funny laughter and then beautiful serious!!!! Ice cream during the session….SO THEM! I couldn’t be happier for these two as I truly believe they are MEANT for each other. SO excited you guys are shooting their wedding! No stress in the photo department for Jenny
I love these! Having a very difficult time picking a favorite… love the b&w one of JJ with Jenny leaning in on him, love the ice cream shot, love the laughing in the grass, love that flower in your hair, Jenny. Nice work, people!
These are SO incredibly good!!
You had a YELLOW shootsac cover for the shoot too. Nice!
Well, to know is to know I LOVE yellow, so of course I am SERIOUSLY in love with these! Jenny, you are just glowing in every shot here — so happy! And your man? Yowza!!! Love every image Bobbi shared here!
Uck… you are soooo good at your job Bobbi [and Mike]…. :). I LOVE that you post so much on the blog. It makes me happy [smile].
Gorgeous shots. The one where she is laughing…reminds me a bit of Kristen Chenowith…whom I adore. Great shots….and your shoot sac cover matches perfectly as well! Love to you guys!
She looks AMAZING in that dress! Gotta say, I’m a big fan of the jeans and tank look too! AND HER HAIR!
well done!
That yellow is awesome!! The perfect series of happy Spring photos. You are so good at capturing love. So damn good!
Beautiful pics of a gorgeous couple!
These pics are sooooooo flippin’ awesome. Jenny doesn’t take a bad picture, ever. She radiates beauty and happiness. JJ brings that out in her too. They are such a perfect couple. She’s full of energy, and he’s more laid back. A nice balance. Both great looking peeps <===hey, peeps are yellow too! Hahahaha! With great looks like this, can you imagine what their kids will look like? Traffic stoppers!
By the way, looking fwd to working with you, Bobbi & Mike! I'm certain we'll make a great team that day! Cheers!
You guys did it again! So awesome!
we have the same camera. makes me happy
they remind me of the big bang theory — penny and her bf.
Ps my butt looks damn good in the one of us standing and laughing
Love the behind the scenes work!
you never cease to amaze, kids! yellow is my favorite color, so of course I love these!
PS If we are playing the look-alike game: Jenny looks like Jessica Simpson and Cameron Diaz had a baby. =D
my favorite — vertical holding hands with you looking over his shoulder laughing. you both look PERFECT!!! also really love the one with the hat on the steps! goodness though — i really love them ALL!!!
LOVE THEM!! i don’t know her and i still think i could hear her laughing. truly captured who they are. PERFECTO!
that second-from-the-bottom photo you could probably sell to cannon as a magazine ad… cool
Hi Bobbi & Miki first of all I wish you well and speedy recovery for the fall to me at the same shooting last congratulations on your adquizicion of the canon D5 Tues lll I have the D1 mark III canon and can not get those colors that you take have any secrets for how well the photos are? and the last draw JPEG or RAW? I send many greetings from Uruguay am Freddy South America