

Nathan is in the top ten cutest boys in the history of the world….


🙂 ….ALLLLLLLL boy!


 and ridiculously happy!


 Hang this one in his room, k? k. 😀


I SOOOO wish I had a photo like this with my mom and dad! My favorite! ❗


 WEEEEE!!!!! 😀


😀 My view…


Mikey's view.  MAN OH MAN WE LOVE THIS FAMILY!!!!!!



 He laaaaaaughed and laaaaaaaughed and laaaaaaaaaaaaaaghed through the ENTIRE session.


Mikey's favorite ❓


SOUTH BEND, Ind. Nathan REALLY is one of the happiest boy we've ever met.  If he got even 1% cranky, Jennifer would say, "turn the happy channel on" and it worked like a CHARM! He was giggling within SECONDS! I'm telling you, it was like a magic trick!  My FAVORITE thing that Nathan does is he "revs his engine." John asks him to do it and he'll stand STRAIGHT up and with FULLY dedicating himself to the task, his ENTIRE body tenses up, he grits his teeth, face scrunches up, and with FULL conviction yells "VROOOOOOOM!!!!!!" with air even coming out of his nose! It's awesome, I promise. 😀

John is an ER doctor and Jennifer is a photographer based out of Lansing Michigan. YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!!!!!

One thing you guys should know about our sessions… they're often pretty physical 🙂 LOTS of lifting, stair climbing, wrestling, supermanning 😉 , swinging, etc, etc, etc.  I'm super curious John… were you sore the next day??? 😀

THAAAAAAANK YOU for asking us to photograph your family… You guys are just fantastic in every way!






 Here I am TAKING the one that I think should be hanging in his room 🙂


 "turn your head THIS way" 🙂 HA!


 If we ever decide to be parents, I can guarantee you this… my husband would be a good dad. DUHTOWN! And to our moms… don't get your hopes up… it was just an observation! 😀 PS. CHECK OUT THOSE CALVES! WOOOO-WEEEE!!!!!

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