Ohhhhh Janille and Mark…. you two were trooooooperrrrrrs….. the threeeeee thunderstorms that rolled through in the midst of our session didn’t phase them a bittttt! You see…. when we do workshop sessions… they’re not really re-schedulable…. so we have to roll with what we’re given… PS. I love this image…
Getting married on June 7th… I was STRANGELY hype about finding an open parking spot with these numbers!
I’m telling you… that hand behind the neck move…. it’s my fave….
I love your smiles!
Skirt matches the umbrella and the chairs… boom… it was planned… duh….
And thennnn…. it started pourrrrrinnnnnng…. so we went under a bridge…
Janille, you have amazing hair! I’m on Team Hair Down for your wedding day… just sayin’
I still can’t believe we shot the majority of this session was shot under one bridge… I can’t thank you guys enough for rolling with the punches.
By the time the third round of thunderstorms came through we had to shut it down. That round was so bad that our workshop limo bus couldn’t drive for 30 minutes while we waited for it to die down…
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Indianapolis, Ind.
Together :: March, 2014 • Engaged :: 1.2.15 • Wedding :: 6.7.15
Janille :: Executive Director • Hometown :: Columbus, Ind. • five words :: -Kind -Humble -Quirky -Hilarious -Wicked Smart
Mark :: Attorney • Hometown :: Bloomington, Ind. • five words :: -Gracious -Clever -Playful -Thoughtful -Noble
How they met :: Mark and Janille became friends during the summer of 2011. The world didn’t know it yet, but the greatest romance of our time was beginning to unfold. Amid a budding friendship, Mark asked Janille out during the spring of 2014, at which point Janille responded, “I don’t know, Mark. I just don’t know.” Taking this as a positive sign, Mark pressed ardently forward. Picnics, Bible studies and a miniature circus gave way to deep conversations and confessions of love. Before they knew it, Mark and Janille were addicted to each other for life!
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Bridgin’ it up…. RHCP style…
Hugging them because I was so thankful for their go-with-the-flow attitude… I just adored them! And on the right… well… I think I’m hilarious…
My hair started out straight that day… mm hmmmm…..
Soooo…. yeahhhhh…..
Side note: the reason the title of this blog post includes “take one” is because, for the first time in workshop history, we had to do a second session on the second day because this one had to end so much earlier than anticipated…
[br] [br] [br] Fall workshop announcement coming soon… so make sure you’re on the mailing list! (mailing list always gets a head start on booking). We’d love to have you!
Sending love and high fives to every single one of you! Thanks for everything friends!
~bobbi+mike +
PS. Do you already “like” our Facebook business page? If not. DO IT!
Also… the business is finally on Instagram so be sure to follow @bobbiandmike
For my personal Instagram feed, follow @bobbiphoto… though be warned, it’s mostly photos of our beloved pup #MurphyMo and iPhone sneak peeks of our sessions/weddings.
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I realize the rain was a bad thing, but you guys made it look So. Damn. Good. Those bridge pictures are phenomenal! LOVE this session, love their outfits, love all of these shots!
Fan-freaking-tastic!! Even in the worst weather conditions, you guys create the most beautiful images!!
This session is awesome! So gorgeous and on brand. I love all the under the bridge images!
Thunderstorm sessions never looked so good. Seriously, you guys are freaking amazing!
I’m gonna go ahead and say that those images under the bridge are my new favorites of yours ever. I’m sure it was really stressful (I probably would have thrown up if I was in your position!), but sometimes those challenges bring about the best in us as artists. These are seriously incredible and I can’t believe what you were able to get in such a short time!
Ugh… each image is more magical than the next!
Adorable! Amazing under the bridge images! I love them all! You guys know how to make rockin’ lemonade out of a lemon of a day! Incredibly gorgeous! Love them all!
I have no idea how you two kept so cool! For real, crazy-impressed with how amazing these images turned out. Bobbi+Mike rock it every single time, even when the weather’s at it’s absolute worst!
And this is why bobbi & mike are shear genius. They take the worst and make it THE BEST! just amazed
AAAHHHHMMMMAAAAZZZZZIIIIIINNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!! Seriously you guys, did you guys just actually make me wish I was in a huge storm with you all, yep, you sure did! LOL!!!
You guys killed those images too <3
How on earth did you get so many great images from just under a bridge?? You guys seriously rock!
AMAZING!STUNNING! I love the way you think on your feet. You inspire me every day guys. Mucho love.
Holy Moly! These are PERFECT! What troopers!
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! what?! i am speechless!!! these images are amazing! LOOOOOOOOVE the ones under the bridge. they are amazingly gorgeous. and that 2nd black and white?! the BEST!!!
1. DAMN these are awesome pictures. Super cute couple. I love the yellow jacket with the hot pink skirt!
2. You’re killin’ it with those Mass Ave locations
3. You sure do photograph a lot of lawyers. I wonder if any of them want to hire me me in a year
You even make rain look fabulous!! Beautiful images as always, you guys! What a lucky couple!
You are a photography GODDESS!!! How is the heck did you make this so amazing! Those newsstands…ON BRAND!
Ok- so you two should teach a masterclass in “under the bridge photography” , or “engagements under cover”… I could go on, but the titles are already taking. Seriously, I LOVE the lines in the shots! This couple is gorgeous! You rocked it! No way can stop the dynamic duo!
WHAT?!?! Even through thunderstorms you guys nail it!! Love these two! Their outfits are awesome!! Love that second black and white image…along with every other one!
Well GEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!! How amazing are these images!!!! Those boots are perfection!!!!!! The light is crazy awesome under the bridge! The first bw — ridiculous!!!!!! You are SO good!!!
These images are crazy amazing!! You two are always setting the bar higher. 3 storms during a session, no big deal for bbmk! And also, she does have the most beautiful hair!
It’s totally appropriate that you think you’re hilarious, because YOU ARE!!!!
I LOVE these!! If this is how you rocked crazy weather, I can’t wait to see take 2!! I am totally amazed with you guys, yet again!! SUCH gorgeous, gorgeous, love and fun filled images!! I just LOVE you guys!!! 
This session sorta makes me mad. Like, no one should be able to create such beautiful images on such a dreadful day…leave it to team BBMK. Also, I’m having hair envy. Her hair even looked great during the rain! All I know is that Zach would have loved to be at this session! Every image is perfect.
amazing every time.
Wow. Wow. & Wow. I love your work!
Gorgeous! Way to make it work despite the rain!
They look like Barbie and Ken! Love the rain boots and the bright colors in Barbie’s wardrobe!
I emailed sccoth tapes as well, but no response. He works as a fisherman with his brother and father, so the only reason I can think of is that he is currently out at sea. Very sorry about the situation. I’ll find out a solution as soon as possible.
There’s a terrific amount of knowledge in this article!