We all know that I share just about everything with you guys… Maybe too much… but whatever, why stop now!? I'm sort of the queen of the "TMI" 😉
Soooo, I JUST got an email from my dentist, Dr. Gary Llewellyn (who I LOOOOVE!) with the results of my Invisaligns. By results I mean… what they're expecting my teeth to look like when they're done. If I knew how to upload video here I'd show you what it looks like. It's FLIPPING CRAZY to watch your teeth move that fast.
Instead I'll just show you a screen capture of before and after. It's SO weird to see your teeth in a computer rendering…
Are you KIDDING ME?! I about peed my pants when I saw it! According to him… I'll only have these things on my teeth for 6.5 months. YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAHHHHH!!!!! I'm guessing this process will start at the beginning of December…. AHHHH I'M SOOOO EXCIIIIITED!!!!!!!!!!
Okay… back to regularly scheduled blogging tomorrow 🙂
~bobbi ❗
PS. if for some reason you choose to go see my amazing dentist.. be sure to tell him that Bobbi Sheridan sent you 😀
I LOVED seeing the computer rendering of your grill – so funny! Congrats – looks like an awesome transformation – and in only 6ish months? Get outta town!
I KNOW!!!!! Crazy right?! I love that you weren’t grossed out by it. 😉
~ ❗
can’t wait to see your proud smile!
ahhh! So cool!!! Your going to be soooo hot! 😉 I cant belive its only going to take 6 months! I had my braces for like 2.5 years when i was in highschool!
Bobbi, my Mom had these last year and they really are amazing – they took a little longer than they thought but were well worth it and they really are invisible! Good luck!
By the way you guys absolutely rock, I love your blog fun of fun, character and TMI Ãœ you’re adorable! Your photography and personality are incredible – keep it up and thank you for sharing with the rest of us!
You are going to be blingin…Holla!
Your teeth are gonna move THAT much in 6 months? Holy cow that seems likes it’s gonna hurrrrrt!! Stock up on Advil girl. lol
(But it goes without saying that it’ll be worth it fo sho!)
You are SO weird. 🙂
Cool! I was seriously seriously considering doing this…but decided not too. I just can’t commit to wearing them for 12 months and then a retainer for 2 years… I’m vain, I know, but I just don’t want to be taking it in and outta my mouth all day when I eat and stuff… Grr.. I cant decide what to do!
you are hilarious – good luck with your new teeth!
wow! Forget braces! Why would anyone even do them anymore when you have this option?! Congrats! Now your big glowy smile will light up a room even more! 🙂
AWESOME! I’m assuming you’ll have retainers afterward….word to the wise (2 sets of braces later)…WEAR the suckers.
My husband just started invisaline two weeks ago (he just today put in his second set). From his experience the first two days = some lispy talking. But he seems to be pretty good with them now. And, he’s commented that his teeth are whiter since he’s brushing them a lot more.
That is so exciting that they can do that 🙂 I am happy for you 🙂
It truly is amazing. I started wearing mine in August and should be finished sometime in January or February. Once I’m done my dentist will put in a permanent retainer and wa-la! I’m good to go… I am already seeing a difference and so glad that I decided to do it. Let me know what you think when you get it started. You’ll love the results…
I did invisalign this past year in preparation for my wedding last month! It was the BEST thing I have done in quite some time! You are going to be so pleased with the results. Discreet, easy, pretty painless with the end result being a beautiful smile that you will want to flash constantly!!! So happy for you…..
I had Invisalign too! It worked really well for me, I had always wanted straighter teeth but really didn’t want traditional braces. The whole time I had Invisalign if I remember right only two or three people ever even noticed I had them in! I feel much more comfortable with my smile now, easier to floss, easier to keep everything clean and healthy. It’s fun actually looking back at shots of me photographing weddings and I can see my aligners in some of the shots that my assistant took. And as the other commented said… absolutely wear your retainers, especially that first year, they will move if not held often. I’d probably actually recommend the Invisalign retainer plan where they give you a new set ever few months the first year… then you’d have extras if you ever lost them, and they’re all based on your final tooth movement. Otherwise if you loose or damage them, they just taken new impressions and each step along the way things move a bit more from the ideal. If you have any questions from a veteran just let me know!
Hey! I wore Invisalign for about that length of time too. Don’t let the first set discourage you…the first time you put them in you’ll feel like your teeth are being ripped out. It gets much easier! And ohhhh, diet bonus…you have to wear them 22 or so hours a day so it keeps you from snacking all day – which was awesome for me! You’ll love the results!
Hi Bobbi, Nicole Green’s Mom here. I stalk your blog all the time, right after hers! Ha! Anyway, I have an appointment at Dr. Lllewellyns offiice in the a.m. I’ll let him know you blogged about him. Maybe he’ll give us each a discount!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! He is the best, and so are you, {and Nicole}.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I’m glad you’re sharing because I want to know what the process is like. I’m very curious about the $$ of it (you can email me directly babe). My teeth are so much worse off than yours and it has made me self-conscious about my smile ALL my adult life (when we were kids we could care less, right?!) You really have a beautiful smile Bobbi and your ability to share it with others is what makes you fabulous. 😉
Sooo wish they’d do this to my teeth! I can’t wait to see your transformation, though you look amazing as you are!
Came to see the weekly weigh in. I’m down another lb. 170! I never thought I’d see the day! OMG! If only those stupid oreos would disappear faster from my kitchen, it’d be going down faster! lol
Have a great weekend 🙂
Ummm…yeah, I think your smile is amazing as it is, too, but I’m sure it’ll be rockin’ after the Invisalign! Wish they would’ve had those suckers when I was a teenager…I had braces on for FOUR years! Got them removed two days before graduation.
Oh, and anyone who gave you advice to wear the retainer for the allotted time is CORRECT! I wasn’t very good about that, and my teeth moved. A lot. In fact, I could use Invisalign! Good luck!!