

We all know that I share just about everything with you guys… Maybe too much… but whatever, why stop now!? I'm sort of the queen of the "TMI" 😉

Soooo, I JUST got an email from my dentist, Dr. Gary Llewellyn (who I LOOOOVE!) with the results of my Invisaligns.  By results I mean… what they're expecting my teeth to look like when they're done.  If I knew how to upload video here I'd show you what it looks like.  It's FLIPPING CRAZY to watch your teeth move that fast.

Instead I'll just show you a screen capture of before and after.  It's SO weird to see your teeth in a computer rendering…






Are you KIDDING ME?!  I about peed my pants when I saw it!  According to him… I'll only have these things on my teeth for 6.5 months.  YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAHHHHH!!!!! I'm guessing this process will start at the beginning of December…. AHHHH I'M SOOOO EXCIIIIITED!!!!!!!!!!

Okay… back to regularly scheduled blogging tomorrow 🙂


~bobbi ❗

PS. if for some reason you choose to go see my amazing dentist.. be sure to tell him that Bobbi Sheridan sent you 😀