Two best friend sessions in Kansas City?! Check and mark!
Heather and Jake had never had a formal family session… We remedied that Memorial Day weekend when we went to visit my hometown of Kansas City.Olivia is a rockstar. She’s been in my life since she was 4 years old. Show’s now 9 and going into the FOURTH grade. So wild to see how much she’s changed! I remember when Heather called me and told me that she and Jake had decided to try for another… then I remember crying when she told me she was pregnant.
Now look at her!
My favorite!
HELLOOOOO HOT TAMALES! Oh, by the way… Heather has last over 30 lbs in the past 70 days. She is looking SO great!
Olivia is the most beautiful 9 year old to have ever existed. Fact.
Jillian is as beautiful as she is sweet. Mike was smitten!
Heather, you look so beautiful!
[br] [br] ………………………
Kansas City, Mo.
heather+jake :: married ~12 years • 7.21.01
How they met (as told by Heather) :: “We met in 1996 at a New years Eve Party. We caught each other’s eye and started dating a month later.”
Heather :: Grandview, Mo. :: Photographer :: loving, chatty, beautiful, driven, THE BOSS! (according to Jake)
Jake :: Raytown, Mo. :: Senior Account Executive :: Handsome. Driven. Loving. Loyal. Good Daddy. (according to Heather)
Olivia :: 9 years old • 4.25.03 :: Bubbly. Full of life. Beautiful (inside and out). Caring. Curious. (according to her parents)
Jillian :: 2 ½ • 11.16.09 :: Sweet. Animated. Beautiful. snuggly. Loving. (according to her parents)
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[br] [br] Heather and Jake, thank you for asking us to photograph your amazing family… but thank you even more for your friendship. I love you guys!
Olivia, you rock the HECK out of the fourth grade, okay?
Jillian, give Dino a hug from us.
~Mike & Bobbi [br] [br] [br] [br]
Beautiful images as always guys
Adore your family sessions! They look (and are, I know!) so fun!! Heather is stunning and has a beautiful family!! And congrats on the weight loss, Heather! I KNOW it’s not easy!
SO BEAUTIFUL! Heather you are gorgeous!!!!!!!
I’m dying right now. TEARS TEARS. Now I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of some amazing family photos. Thank you. YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE. I LOVE YOU!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
GORGEOUS family!!! Love all of these.
OMG! I have been dying with anticipation to see these!!!!!! LOVE every last drop of these!!!! Heather- you are beautiful, your family belongs in Pottery Barn!! Perfection yet again Bobbi + Mike!
Stunning family photos! You guys rocked it out as usual. Heather, congrats on all the weight loss, you’ve always been a gorgeous woman but now it’s obvious you’ve also gained more confidence and that makes you absolutely LUMINOUS!
What a beautiful family! And what beautiful light! You must be so proud of these photos!
It’s sooooooooo AMAZING to see a session of a friend, photographed by another friend! I wish we all lived a bit closer as I know we’d all have a ball together. Although I’d probably be the most quiet out of you two silly willies. BUT I do have to say I’m so happy to see these photographs. Such an ‘adorable. vibrant. goofy. free spirited. lucky to have two daughters’ family. (according to Casia)
One of the absolutely most beautiful and amazing families I have ever known! I can’t believe how grown up Olivia is and how more adorable Jillian gets all the time! Heather you look AMAZING…but I’ve always thought you were a beautiful person inside and out! You are blessed with such a beautiful family and I miss you all!!!
Hi Bobbi!!! I know how delighted I was to see these images, so I can only imagine how Heather felt!!!! Heather – you look amazing!!!!
Bobbi + Mikey….INCREDIBLE!! Heather, you look SO gorgeous, and that family of yours is beyond darling!
nice set of photography. So natural, but then it delivered a great picture.
Oh oh oh!!!! I LOVE these! Wonderful work you two! Heather, so proud of you (I feel like I know you well for how much Bobbi talks about you!) in your weight loss journey! Way to go! And what a BEAUTIFUL family you have! Love seeing how different your girls are but both equally beautiful! Jillian’s brown peepers stole my heart!
These guys are so full of life! That golden yellow color in the field. Yeah buddy, midwest is best!
seriously, Bobbi, your family sessions are my favorites EVER.
Beautiful! Lovely seeing such joy on Heather’s face
Fun, fun, fun!!!!!!!! What a BEAUTY-full family!!! Heather…you are oh so gorg. Bobbi + Mike, awesome job as always. Love it!
[…] Had my friends Bobbi+Mike photograph our family in our first ever FULL OUT FAMILY SESSION!!Go check it […]
These are so great! What lenses did you use here? Any tips for shooting during this time of day?
hey samantha! the basic primes – 35, 50, 85. backlight and finish before the sun gets too low and everythingg turns pink!