

starting things with my favorite ❗ I love love love this shot.  I might even get in in a canvas for our not yet decorated studio 😀 Yeahyeahyeah… I know, I'm a slacker.


 I know you guys have heard me say this all week here on the blog… but seriously… Heather, you're stunning.


Mikey's favorite ❓


bringin' back the classics… 🙂




the water was a bit cold. 😀






PUERTA VALLARTA, MEXICO So… this post concludes our amazing trip to Mexico for Heather and Brian's fabulous wedding… but you'll see them here again sometime…. I just have a feeling 😉

Thanks again guys for choosing us to be your photographers… it's an incredible honor to spend the biggest days of your lives standing right next to you.  

We love you guys!



"You're a TIGER baby, a TIGER!!!!"

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! This might be my new favorite Mikey action photo.


❗ + ❓