What's got two thumbs and has lost 16.8 lbs?! THIS GIRL!!!!!!
The week in Vegas, I lost 2.2 pounds (WEIRD!). Then this week I lost another 1.8 😀 SOOO… in the past two weeks I've lost 4 pounds bringing my TOTAL weight lost to, as previously mentioned… 16.8 POUNDAROOOONIES! YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
That's three glass gallon milk jugs filled with water…. then enhanced with 40¢ packets of Jello 🙂
Now… for the people that have reported their weight loss since the last update…
18 of you have lost a total of: 169.7 pounds
Alyssa (Hybrid Photography)
Amanda Fales Shaw
Clary (Clary Photo)
Courtney Reece
Elle M.
Faye Sommer
Jessica P.
Kim Ilax
Laura (Simply You Photos)
Melissa McClure
Tracy S.
3 new people have joined us… a quick reminder that you can hop on anytime… just add your name in the comment section 😀 YEAHYEAHYEAH!
Lana (Cease Fire Studios)
Michelle Sidles
Tracy S. -30
Bobbi -16.8 YEAH!
Mike -15 YEAH!
Kim Ilax -14
Watty -14
Alright… back to work 😀
Thanks again you guys for all of your encouragement, you REALLY and TRULY have NO idea how much it motivates me 😀 YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!!!!!
~bobbi ❗
dang skinny!
Sara, I adore you. 🙂
i am so proud of you Bobster. 🙂 I knew you would see more desired results soon. you have been working your purdy lil’ ass off!
p.s. i miss you.
WTG Bobbi!!! That is SO awesome! Im sure that the walk to and from the tradeshow was a bit of a benefit, and of course depending on where your room was that was a nice hike for most of us as well…lol. When do we get another before and after from you? I missed last week (still recovering from lack of sleep I guess ;)) but since the last weigh in I have lost another 3.6 so Im down a total of 29.6!!! WOOT!!
way to go! that’s awesome!
As a whole since the last update I gained 1.2 pounds 🙁 but since Vegas I’ve lost, so that’s cool. I’m just glad I didn’t gain like 10 pounds in Vegas. haha How on earth did you lose in Vegas? Oh that’s right, you’re crazy and worked out in the hotel gy, 😉
Way to go Bobbi!!
Hi Bobbi,
I am an avid blog stalker of yours and have been on my own healthy train. It’s a little lonely, can I join yours?
Thanks, Tiffany
Charise…. 29.6 POUNDS?! WOWWWWWZAS!!!!! Oh, and before and afters are taken… every six weeks… my next one will be March 20th. If you guys could see my calendar, you’d totally make fun of how stupidly organized it is.
Tiffany!!!!! OF COURSE!!!!! 😀 That sounded so sad 🙁 We’d LOVE to have you!!!!!!
i’m so happy for you bobbi!! isn’t it weird how sometimes vacations can HELP you lose weight???? so weird! (but I’ll TAKE IT!) lol!!
i have lost track of my weekly loss, but i know that since i joined THE TRAIN I’ve lost 16 total.!!!!! yeah!!!!
Are we even going to recognize you come June 27th at Katie and Burny’s wedding!?!?!
Ugh. I really need to get on a Healthy Train. Motivation, where are you?
heck yeah!!! WOOT WOOT!!! congrats, girl!!! I WANNA JOIN THE HEALTH TRAIN. please add me @ 227lbs. <— dang!!! that’s a HUGE ASIAN DUDE!!!
Oh Susie…. I’m going to be so ridiculously hot by then… you won’t be able to keep your eyes off of me! 🙂 HAHAHA!
Ed, I saw you on stage at the Jerry Ghionis talk and I assure you… you are NOT huge. However, WELCOME ABOARD!!!!!
YAY! Awesome job Bobbi! I can’t wait to see you!
Ok, I haven’t weighed in lately, but I’m still here. I have lost 4 lbs overall. I did slack off a bit in the last 2 weeks, but am trying to get back to the regularly scheduled exercise stuff now. Hopefully 5 more by Easter!
Congrats on your loss. Keep up the great work!
congrats! Keep up the great work
mmmm, and I adore you Bobbi! 🙂
p.s. All I can hear in my head is:
“come on ride that train, hey ride it…woo woo”
yep, quad city DJs. I blame Betsy and all her lyrical references lately. 🙂 Also, Ed please warn me when making such funny comments…I nearly spit tea on my laptop! lol. Lastly, I just realized that Mike is getting grossly overlooked in the blog comment loving department. Way to go Mike! In fact, Mike and Bobbi you two are only surpassed by one other person in the weight loss department…whatcha guys been doin’!? *smirk* 😀 Sorry, inappropriate, but I think its funny!
you rock!!! I’m down 1 lb. I don’t know how I didn’t gain. But I got a hot new pair of running shoes so I’m going to try to go for a “jog” everyday know that it is near 50’s and 60’s!
I was depressed to get on the scale this morning and to be UP one pound. 🙁 Way to go on your progress, though!!
so impressive, bobbi!!! you’re so inspiring!! 😀
Way to go! Wish I could say the same-I’m up 1 lb this week 🙁
Wow! Good job Bobbi! Isn’t that amazing when you lose weight when you’re on vacay? Is it because you were too sick to eat? Or was it all that walking and having fun?!
I lost 1.6 lbs. this week. 🙂
beyond awesome. way to go girl!
First of all – LOVE the Office reference. This is why we are friends.
Second, YOU GO GIRL!!! I am so proud of you. You are doing a fab job. Woot!
I am refusing to step on the scale this week. I will next Friday. I promise.
Oh! You added me. I’m so flattered!
I lost .6 lb this week. go me. This is mainly big because I’m a gain, gain, gain, lose kinda girl and I officially lost three times in a row. Going for 4.
oh and I forgot, I’m rude. CONGRATS. 4# is out of the ballpark, I could REALLY tell on your rockin out ugly pretty tyra pic. Even tho you were sucking in your cheeks. Girl your arms are rails.
You basically worked out a small child. Proud of you, B.
I lost 1 1/2lbs this week…woohoo! Seeing as my progress has been really slow i decided to keep a ‘food diary’. Ill have to let you know how that goes next week.
Bobbi! Do you want our weigh-ins for this week? Here’s mine:
I lost 2.6 pounds this week for a TOTAL of 6.9 pounds in three weeks! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thanks for being so motivating!
Amanda, HI! 😀 WOWZAS!!!!! ROCK IT OUT! And of COURSE we ALWAYS want to know how you’re doing! 😀
I’ve been trying to be healthy lately but it’s not working, so I thought that since I am a blog stalker I may as well jump on the train so sign me up! A little accountability would probably help! (Is it bad that I am thinking about eating cake AND ice cream as I write this?!)
I’ve officially lost 5 more pounds since moving to Indy! Making the total loss since Healty train #1- THIRTY-SIX POUNDS! YAHOO BABES!
Okay, I’m jumping on this choo choo! 😉 I have been trying to eat healthy now for about 6 weeks. I lost 4 pounds in 6 weeks. I don’t have a LOT to lose, but I definitely need to do the tone-up thing. So as of now, the countdown is on…..5 more pounds to go!
I would love to join this train! how do i go about getting on board?
WOOHOO Bobbi for losing on vacation!!! That is soooo awesome, keep it up girl!
I have maintained the last 2 weeks, no loss, no gain…which is frustrating because I am working my tail off!! If I don’t have any movement in this next week my nutrition guy is going to totally change my food plan…oh boy! So still at 30lbs…but still very excited by that number!!
Thanks for the shout out!
Hey Bobbi- I didn’t weigh on Friday but I weighed this morning and I am done 1.3 pounds. Thats good considering it means I didn’t eat like a cow this weekend. 😀
woo hoo! we actually lost 4 lbs since vegas! i’m guessing it had to do with our family shoot with mel and sean mclellan but whatever!!! maybe we should get shot more!! bahahaha!
woo hoo! we actually lost 4 lbs since vegas! i’m guessing it had to do with our family shoot with mel and sean mclellan but whatever!!! maybe we should get shot more!! bahahaha!
Down 7.3 total. Good job!
I wanna join! I am on Weight watchers,a nd have lost 11.4 so far! 🙂
Hope to meet you guys at OSP Indy!!!!
awesome, where do we say how much we lose each week, and which day do we do it?
Excellent stuff Bobbi – you should be proud. I’ve lost another three pounds since last time around – it all comes off during the week, then back on at the weekends. Getting there though…..
WAY TO GO….I’m uber impressed with your dedication….but you’re still beautiful no motter how many pounds you lose!!!!!
We’ve been all over the place as far as weight was concerned since WPPI. UGH. Thankfully it got back to where it was though. Either way, we totally forgot to write our weight loss so we checked this morning and since going to the gym we lost some significant weight!! 😀
I lost 2.5 lbs!! That means I’m down to 205. Seriously Bobbi, I haven’t been under 200lbs since our wedding.
Cathy lost 2lbs which means she’s down to XXXXXXXX.. sorry she won’t let me post that. 😀
Either way though. Things are lookin’ up! And I totally get this gym thing now. I was able to work out and watch bizarre foods at the same time. 🙂 (Seriously, that’s what was on the TV!!)
i want to join! 🙂 could you add me to the list? i’m excited to get rid of some of this “winter weight” .. that i’ve had for a year 1/2 now. 🙂 ha!
You’re doing awesome!! I gained .5…:S
Ok .. I’m in ..
I’ve already lost 7lbs since March 1st (before I knew You existed) Love this BTW!!
Time to loose that baby fat! 😉