

Well, team… I didn't lose weight this week… but, I'm not going to beat myself up about it too badly.  This was my first week of really working out… and my muscles are KILLING ME!  According to Mike, when you have sore muscles… you retain more water.  Not really sure about any of that but… it makes me feel better.  I've stuck to my diet pretty strictly, too.  And ladies… well… it's been one of those weeks for me, if you know what I mean.  So… again, not beating myself up too badly about it.  


A quick reminder to take those "before" pictures!  Send them to meeeee 🙂



On to ALLLLLL of our weight loss.  

We've had THIRTY FOUR new people join us since last Friday… THIRTY FOURRRRR!!!!!

Ashley (Point Photo Design)
Amanda Abel
Amber (Smitten Photos)
Amy Clark
Angie (Angela Elle Photography)
Anna McClary

Ayesha (Bedazzled Photo)
Brittany C.
Christina Littleton
Dana (Short And Sweet Photo)
Faye Sommer
Jennifer Adkins
Jennifer L

Jenny (Sticky Feathers)
Jessica (Hey Girl Nice Shot)
Jessica P.
Lauri (Lalee Photo)
Mindy Peterson
Monica N
Nicki (eight20 photography)
Nikki (Sam and Nik)
Stephanie Dame
Val M.


Of the original 68 who joined, we had 41 people weigh in… YAHOOOOSKI!

Alyssa (Hybrid Photography)
Amanda Fales Shaw
Ann Page
Annie (Varland Photography)
Ashley Turner
Blair Van Bussel
Brandi Thompson
Brooke J.
Cathy Bock
Chrissie (C. Raysor Photo)
Courtney Reece
David (SD Ohana)
David Bock
Heather Cole
Jaclyn Marie
Jen (Zach and Jennie Photo)
Jessica (Lemon Grass Photo)
Jill P.
Josh Solar
Kate M.
Kim Ilax
Kimi (SD Ohana)
Laura S.
Lisa Kelly
Marcia Tumminaro
Melissa McClure
Molly (AV)
Olivia Wagner
Rachel G.
Samantha (The Roxy Studio)
Steph (Reidel Photography)


There are 26 of you who I never heard from last week… 🙁  No biggie… if we don't hear from you guys this week, we'll just remove your name from the list 🙂 No hard feelings. 😀



Out of the 75 people who joined/weighed in last week… we've lost a total of 79.3 lbs! Of those 75… 43 hadn't lost weight yet or just joined… so, WOW to 32 people losing nearly 80 lbs!

Kim Ilax has lost the most… 7 lbs!  AYKM?! 



UPDATE as of 9am on 10/29:

56 people have weighed in for the week. 

Our total weight loss is 141.5. 

Still haven't heard from 31 of you. 🙁

9 new people have joined! YAHOOOSKI!

Alicia K.
Jill S. (Flair Photography by Jill)
Kyle Hepp
Melissa D
Nicole Neff
Penny Burns



Melissa (Carolina Dreams Photo)    -11
Kim Ilax    -8
Ashley Turner    -7



And because I hate putting up a post without a photo… I've decided to tell you all about my crooked teeth 🙂  As I was looking through our wedding photos for our anniversary blog post… I noticed that my teeth looked different now than they did in 2003.  What was so different?! THEY WERE BEGINNING TO CHIP!  That just isn't going to fly… no way Jose! 

I have what they call a crossbite… which means that I have both an overbite and an underbite all in one… LUCKY ME!  Of my two front teeth… one goes in front of the bottom teeth and one goes behind them.  The tooth that's going behind is the one that's chipping the worst… I guess because it's always hitting the bottom teeth.  WHo knows… I'm no dentist 🙂

So, what's a girl to do?!  INVISALIGNS!!!!! I'm OFFICIALLY doing it!  During this transformation period of my life… I've decided to FIIIIINALLY have my teeth fixed!  I've hated my crooked teeth FOREVA and NOW IS THE TIIIIME!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOSKI!!!!!! I'll be talking more about the process later… for now, just thought I'd let you all know 🙂



Here's a photo taken back in 2001 when I was taking a black and white film class…  Yes, I dyed my hair blond.  Weird, huh?!  See the teeth? 🙂 I know I have better photos of them… but I can't seem to find them. Oh well… you'll have to deal with the 20 year old version of me instead. 🙂




Back to the ORIGINAL point of this post… START WEIGHING IN PEOPLE! 

We have a wedding today… so I won't be updating the list until tomorrow…

Thank you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for motivating me to be a hot tamale 🙂 I appreciate YOU!



PS. You can join ANYTIME! Just add your name down there in the comment section, and I'll add your name to our ev
er-growing Excel datasheet 🙂  Also, if you haven't let us know your goal for Christmas, DO IT!

PPS. If you missed last weeks weigh in and your name isn't on this list… just let us know how you're doing in the comment section and I'll re-add your name 🙂  Or if you told me you were joining and I missed it… PLEASE let me know… it's a LOT of information to keep straight so bear with me here 🙂 YOU ALL ROCK!