Well, team… I didn't lose weight this week… but, I'm not going to beat myself up about it too badly. This was my first week of really working out… and my muscles are KILLING ME! According to Mike, when you have sore muscles… you retain more water. Not really sure about any of that but… it makes me feel better. I've stuck to my diet pretty strictly, too. And ladies… well… it's been one of those weeks for me, if you know what I mean. So… again, not beating myself up too badly about it.
A quick reminder to take those "before" pictures! Send them to meeeee 🙂
On to ALLLLLL of our weight loss.
We've had THIRTY FOUR new people join us since last Friday… THIRTY FOURRRRR!!!!!
Ashley (Point Photo Design)
Amanda Abel
Amber (Smitten Photos)
Amy Clark
Angie (Angela Elle Photography)
Anna McClary
Ayesha (Bedazzled Photo)
Brittany C.
Christina Littleton
Dana (Short And Sweet Photo)
Faye Sommer
Jennifer Adkins
Jennifer L
Jenny (Sticky Feathers)
Jessica (Hey Girl Nice Shot)
Jessica P.
Lauri (Lalee Photo)
Mindy Peterson
Monica N
Nicki (eight20 photography)
Nikki (Sam and Nik)
Stephanie Dame
Val M.
Of the original 68 who joined, we had 41 people weigh in… YAHOOOOSKI!
Alyssa (Hybrid Photography)
Amanda Fales Shaw
Ann Page
Annie (Varland Photography)
Ashley Turner
Blair Van Bussel
Brandi Thompson
Brooke J.
Cathy Bock
Chrissie (C. Raysor Photo)
Courtney Reece
David (SD Ohana)
David Bock
Heather Cole
Jaclyn Marie
Jen (Zach and Jennie Photo)
Jessica (Lemon Grass Photo)
Jill P.
Josh Solar
Kate M.
Kim Ilax
Kimi (SD Ohana)
Laura S.
Lisa Kelly
Marcia Tumminaro
Melissa McClure
Molly (AV)
Olivia Wagner
Rachel G.
Samantha (The Roxy Studio)
Steph (Reidel Photography)
There are 26 of you who I never heard from last week… 🙁 No biggie… if we don't hear from you guys this week, we'll just remove your name from the list 🙂 No hard feelings. 😀
Out of the 75 people who joined/weighed in last week… we've lost a total of 79.3 lbs! Of those 75… 43 hadn't lost weight yet or just joined… so, WOW to 32 people losing nearly 80 lbs!
Kim Ilax has lost the most… 7 lbs! AYKM?!
UPDATE as of 9am on 10/29:
56 people have weighed in for the week.
Our total weight loss is 141.5.
Still haven't heard from 31 of you. 🙁
9 new people have joined! YAHOOOSKI!
Alicia K.
Jill S. (Flair Photography by Jill)
Kyle Hepp
Melissa D
Nicole Neff
Penny Burns
Melissa (Carolina Dreams Photo) -11
Kim Ilax -8
Ashley Turner -7
And because I hate putting up a post without a photo… I've decided to tell you all about my crooked teeth 🙂 As I was looking through our wedding photos for our anniversary blog post… I noticed that my teeth looked different now than they did in 2003. What was so different?! THEY WERE BEGINNING TO CHIP! That just isn't going to fly… no way Jose!
I have what they call a crossbite… which means that I have both an overbite and an underbite all in one… LUCKY ME! Of my two front teeth… one goes in front of the bottom teeth and one goes behind them. The tooth that's going behind is the one that's chipping the worst… I guess because it's always hitting the bottom teeth. WHo knows… I'm no dentist 🙂
So, what's a girl to do?! INVISALIGNS!!!!! I'm OFFICIALLY doing it! During this transformation period of my life… I've decided to FIIIIINALLY have my teeth fixed! I've hated my crooked teeth FOREVA and NOW IS THE TIIIIME!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOSKI!!!!!! I'll be talking more about the process later… for now, just thought I'd let you all know 🙂
Here's a photo taken back in 2001 when I was taking a black and white film class… Yes, I dyed my hair blond. Weird, huh?! See the teeth? 🙂 I know I have better photos of them… but I can't seem to find them. Oh well… you'll have to deal with the 20 year old version of me instead. 🙂
Back to the ORIGINAL point of this post… START WEIGHING IN PEOPLE!
We have a wedding today… so I won't be updating the list until tomorrow…
Thank you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for motivating me to be a hot tamale 🙂 I appreciate YOU!
PS. You can join ANYTIME! Just add your name down there in the comment section, and I'll add your name to our ev
er-growing Excel datasheet 🙂 Also, if you haven't let us know your goal for Christmas, DO IT!
PPS. If you missed last weeks weigh in and your name isn't on this list… just let us know how you're doing in the comment section and I'll re-add your name 🙂 Or if you told me you were joining and I missed it… PLEASE let me know… it's a LOT of information to keep straight so bear with me here 🙂 YOU ALL ROCK!
i lost 1.8 this week. and still go you! he’s right. you will retain water. and p.s – i want invisaligns. so jealous.
Hey Bobbi! I was waiting for this post! I weighed in this morning, and freakishly enough, I’ve lost another 1.2 pounds (exact same as last Friday)
I know I still haven’t sent you my before picture. I took it, I just haven’t sent it in yet. Its yucky quality. Oh well…Its not like I can retake a picture of myself from a week ago. Then again, I’ve lost 2.4 pounds total, and I’m sure you can’t AT ALL tell…so maybe I will re-take! Eh. I don’t know. Anywhoooooo. 1.2 pounds. Mark it down 🙂
And the thing your trainer told you about retaining water when your muscles hurt…I’ve heard that too, so its good not to be upset with yourself, you’re doing AMAZING! I am headed back as soon as I kick my cold’s butt. 🙂
Muscle weighs heavier than fat so don’t be discouraged, the more muscle you have the more fat you burn. Its win win 🙂 So you might have lost fat and gained muscle, it’s ALL GOOD!
Okay…I’m in for the weight loss challenge. My goal for christmas is 15 pounds. I’ve been a blog reader since a friend of mine (Jamie & Todd M.) got married in Feb. 2007. You do beautiful work! Thanks for the daily inspiration.
If I don’t have someone keep me accountable, I’ll never start losing weight. And my husband — who eats cookies, brownies and chocolate all the time — ain’t gonna cut it. So I’m jumping on this train! I’ll weigh in tonight when I get home. : )
I want to join the healthy train! Maybe this will be just the motivation I need… My goal is to lose 15 pounds.
bobbi + blonde hair = just wrong.
you are the cuteness no matter what but seeing you without red hair is like eating some steak with no A1…I just can’t do it! and can I mention how jealous I am that you are getting invisaligns!?! I never wore my retainers after I got braces off so my teeth aren’t as perfect as I’d like them to be….I have ALWAYS wanted to do invisaligns. you’ll have to let me know how it goes. (green. with. envy.)
finally, rock on with your bad self bobbi, maybe you didn’t lose any….but you certianly didn’t gain any!!!! keep it up!
(you know the tune) bobbi’s bringin’ sexy back! yeah! you other _____ don’t know how to act! yeah! mmm, justin.
I’m down one more! Even though I busted myself up trying to rollerblade this week..!
Also, do not be discouraged! You’re muscles are going to be so ripped… I’m already jealous!
I lost 7 pounds last week… but only 1 this week! Ha! I wonder what that was all about.
Good for you for exercising! Not only will it help you get the weight off, but maybe feel more relaxed too! 🙂
I have been dying all morning for you to put this post up, because when I weighed in this morning, I was down 4 lbs!!!! Don’t know how it happened. I exercised a little (trying to work myself into it), I snacked less (no baking this week!), I drank more water, and I ate Special K for breakfast every morning. I’m sure the next 6 will not come off as easily, but I am stoked that I lost so much weight this week! Woohoo!
I’m with you and didnt lose anything. Oh well the second week is the hardest… or maybe it isn’t and I’m crazy. But I’m still eating healthier and exercising. So Yay for me.
I did Invisalign! I finished up around a year ago or so. Wow, what a journey! Find a dentist you LOVE cuz you’ll be seeing them A LOT! ; ) It’s so great though because you can take them out. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There were a couple things about the processe that surprised me. When do you start? Exciting!
Having the braces actually makes you eat less because you don’t want to take your trays out to eat. So there ya go! Plus, you’ll drink less pop because it will make your trays gross. So there ya go. Weight loss via invisalign. ; )
SO the family has been sending e-mails around about how much we are going to eat for the holidays, I am a little terrified since wine and turkey are my weaknesses. yikes.
But any way, I am so excited for Fridays now Bobbi! This is so exciting!
Soooooo I was also having “one of those weeks”…a bad one too 🙁 ….but!!!!! I 1.4 lbs week! So I am down 6.4 ……..hellz yeah!!!
I am only down .8 lbs this week, but it’s still down a little 🙂
Add me sister.
Christmas goal: 10 lbs.
you are my favorite — crooked teeth and all. Go girl!
xo Tam
2lbs this week, Bobbi. I was hoping for a bit more, but I will cut myself some slack since it was my birthday week and I indulged! 🙂
I didn’t lose any, but I did just join on Tuesday (so I was going with the number on the scale that day) so hopefully next week, I’ll see a difference. My goal for by next Friday is 2 lbs. Thanks for the awesome motivation!
I lost 1 pound this week. Slowly but surely. 🙂
Man, I’ve lost a big fat zero pounds as well. But I’m in the same boat as you re: that special week in a woman’s life every month. hah So actually, it’s good because I usually gain water weight and I didn’t. 🙂
I have only had a .5 lb reduction. Time to beef up the gym time.
Lost .5 pound! Better than gaining!
I will send my picture soon!
Thanks for leading this train and making it fun. Is it just me or do you want to sing Come on Ride the Train?
Okay. I hate weighing myself bc I always think as long as I feel good and know I am eating right and working out then the number doesn’t matter. Well I haven’t been eating well or working out. After meeting you last week you really motivated me with your enthusiasm to start taking care of yourself. This is a small step but I started improving my eating habits this week and will hopefully join a gym w/in the next month. I am well on my way to losing those 10lbs by Christmas! Thanks for taking the initiative..it is the hardest part!
i still need to send you my before pic. down 2.2lbs! i need to add the gym routine back into my days. thanks for the inspiration.
I am down another 4 pounds this week. Woo Hoo!!! of course I just had a terrible lunch but one meal won’t kill me…right?
Well, it isn’t what I was hoping for, but it is going the right way… I lost 1 lb exactly. Here’s hoping to at least double that in the next week!
Ok, do I have to get on the scale today? REALLY? I’m afraid! AF is late, and I’ve been eating like crazy!!! Ok, just got on the scale (almost 3pm) 174. Lost NADA! Did I gain a lb? Gotta look and see…anyway 174
Totally jealous about the invisalign too. I went to my sons ortho, and they’re like “no, we can’t put those on you, your teeth sit right on top of each other (no over or underbite, literally RIGHT ON TOP OF EACH OTHER!!!!) We’d have to break your top jaw and put plates in to pull your front teeth forward, then put braces on you to close the gaps”
Uh…never mind! LOL
Here I am April 07 to July 08 though. I look a ‘little’ different lol http://a235.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/99/l_50bec0e8f1e6bf417177fc3976fe0702.jpg
Total lost now 101 lbs 🙂
YAY! I lost 4 pounds! I am sure next week won’t be as good, but yay anyways! I still need to send you my picture!
I am down another two, for a total of three lbs. I didn’t try and take any real before pictures, because I really am only going for 10-12 lbs max. I still fit in the same clothes, but they’re just quite a bit tighter than I’d like them to be 😛 Plus I want to do a lot of toning. I’ve been working out a lot, almost every single day. My biggest hurdle to overcome is my upper arms so I am trying to work them out big time. I’ll be happy around 140 (144 right now) even thou I’d LOVE to be 135… but it’s all about muscle tone!
I am down 1lb. i still need to send a before pic not looking forward to this!!
I lost 1 pound this week. I took the before pic, I just need to send it to you!
I lost 2lbs this week.
Can I still join if I’m prego?! I’m due in 19 days so obviously I won’t be starting until then, but I didn’t know if my weight loss would kinda be considered cheating? 🙂 Ya know, because of the whole giving birth and counting that as lbs lost and all…
Either way, I think its awesome.
I only lost 1lb again this week…but im still getting into the swing of my diet. Ive taken up my boxing again so my muscles are totally killing me right now..hopefully next week this week’s exercise will of paid off!
Elle x
I want to join but my scale is in kilos…am I still allowed?
I hadn’t joined last week yet, but I will say that i weighed in today and I am at 63.2 for a total loss of 1.9 kilos. hold on going to go calculate…so I guess that’s about 4 pounds. Man, I hate math.
Hey Bobbi! I lost 2 pounds this week… love me some Weight Watchers! Thanks for getting me motivated… you are so cute! 🙂
I’m down 1 this week!
2 solid pounds…Thanks for the kick in the butt 😉
Down 2 earlier this week. Can’t weigh myself officially today though because the battery for my scale died. Will have to remember to get another battery!!
Muscle doesn’t weight more than fat. A pound is a pound is a pound. But 1 lb. of muscle takes up 1/4 the space that 1 lb. of fat does. As your muscle turns to fat, you get smaller. You may weigh the same some weeks, but that’s why taking photos and measurements can help you stay motivated and “see” results.
Also, be prepared for headaches when trying to align your teeth. Literal headaches, that is. Moving your teeth around like that can put a lot of extra stress and pressure on your head, so get a big bottle of Excedrin for that journey. 🙂
I went down 3lbs 🙂 But….last week was one of those weeks….IF you now what I mean….so I’m not sure if it was my new eating discipline that lost the weighto, or just that that is what happens when one of those weeks is over…
But still……I’m down from 163 to 160, and that’s much nicer to look at on the scale! I
Bobbi- I have insalign and i have to tell you that it sucks!!! BUT i’m always telling people that want to lose weight that the best thing they can do is get invisalign! You have to wear them 22 hours a day and you have to brush your teeth everytime you eat-you end up getting so frusterated that sometimes it’s just easier to NOT eat than it is to mess with the whole process. And i’m so over having to brush my teeth in restaurants to rush and get them back in my mouth. But if you follow all the rules it will work and no one believes me when i tell them that i have them!
you are beautiful! love you!
Keep up the good work!
I stayed the same…. but at least I didn’t gain any!
It was great seeing you this week!
Ok, so i didn’t lose anything this week. I don’t have a good excuse but i’m thankful i didn’t gain. We moved this week so a lot of eating out and fast food. YUCK! I’m going full force this next week and hoping for 3 lbs!
I really need to join the gym and look into getting a personal trainer or something!
One LB for the both of us!!!!! 🙂 Yay!!!!
I lost 2 lbs this week!! Woohoo!!
And I just want to say that it made me feel SO much better to find out that you retain water when your muscles are sore. I too started exercising this week and I weighed yesterday and it said I had gained 4 lbs! Then I weighed this morning (my actual weigh in day) and I lost that plus 2 more! ah!
So I’ve lost a total of 11 so far :o) I might even try to take a picture tomorrow or see if I can find one from before I lost the 11…I doubt it though!
I weighed in on Friday and I was up 3 lbs. which brings my total weight loss over 3 weeks to 1 lb. crap! It’s been a hard week for me to- girlwise and I found out that my dad just died so yeah… that’s my excuse.
so.. weighed in today.
2.7 pounds.
not as much as i’d like, but i’m gonna keep working on it!
i’ll post next week!
Down 1.5, not too bad considering it’s all diet and no activity!
Down 1 pound…..I think! (I have an old school scale and need to get a new digital one, kinda hard to tell how much I’ve gained or lost)
Whoooo Hooooo!
I would like to Join Please!!! My goal is 15 by Christmas.
I didn’t lose…but I didn’t gain! Here’s to hoping to a better week!! 🙂
Ohhh, I just discovered you and your hubby’s site today through my reader and boy am I stoked! love your work and love this challenge.
Please add me to this list.
My Christmas goal is 12 lbs.
I am in the same boat as you Bobbi.
According to the other posts we are not alone! 🙂
Keep on rolling! Don’t give up!
HEY! i weighed in last week. Just a wee bit off. But I didn’t lose anything this week. 🙁 I want to stay! Don’t Kick me off~!
you’re going to be so happy you did it. i refused to get braces until college when mom threatened it was the last time she was offering to pay for them… so i dd it. i had them for 2 years & i never even think about smiling now- it just happens. before i’d do the closed mouth smile- lame!!!!
you’re beautiful bobbi- but this will tip you over the scales.
Hey Hey Hey – i want to join the healthy train…again….hahah this friday would be my first weigh in and i guess i’m going to start…tomorrow!
my goal for Chirstmas – 20 lbs. …i’m crossing my fingers 😉
I think I’m down one pound in a week….I’m on the way and modifying the foot I”m eating !!! I’m not going to get out of my GAP jeans that I finally fit in !!!!
this was a tough one. we had a lot of stuff going on and didn’t lose anything 🙁 we did still get on the eliptical and hiked in mammoth. i must admit we’ve been feeling less tired! thank you bobbi for this!!! it really helps!! we’ve got a looong way to go. xoxo
this was a tough one. we had a lot of stuff going on and didn’t lose anything 🙁 we did still get on the eliptical and hiked in mammoth. i must admit we’ve been feeling less tired! thank you bobbi for this!!! it really helps!! we’ve got a looong way to go. xoxo
I would LOVE to get in on this!
I have been doing this on my own since June so it would be nice to have some friends to do it along with!
I recommend using sparkpeople.com
YYAAAAYYY! Im so glad to be on the weightloss train!
(my goal is to lose 10 lbs by Christmas)
I have heard that muscle weighs more than fat…so you’re probably gaining some muscle girl!!! 🙂
The blonde hair is total awesomeness! 🙂
Hey BobbaLou,
I need to get new scales. All I knpow for sure is that I have lost 4 1/2 lbs since I went to the doctor 3 weeks ago. I will weigh at your house tomorrow for my official weight. I love you.
you dont know me, i’m just a blog stalker…but I want to join!
my goal is…10 lbs by christmas
maybe i’ll even send you a picture!
leslie e