

HIYA FOLKS!!!! How's the healthy train treating yousss???!

Well… as for me… it's more difficult than EVER!!!! I'm REALLY struggling lately, but I'm still pushing pushing pushing through. 

Total weight% lost for me? 9.8% πŸ˜€ YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH! The hard work is payyyying off… πŸ™‚ I'm still feeling SO far from my goal… so, hope you guys are in this for the long haul with me πŸ™‚

How about you guys? How are YOU doing?!

Much love!


PS. ever had a question you've been dying to ask me? WELLLLLL… you can now! I'll probably talk more about this later… but in the meantime, check it out.  I've already answered over 400 questions.. WHEWWWW!

PPS. next weigh in is January 29th… see you then!