

As some of you who follow my Facebook and Twitter accounts know…. we're in MEXICO!!!!!!! 😀 We're here to photograph the wedding of Heather and Brian… who by the way, ROCK!!!!! 😀

SOOOOO, needless to say, there's no scale here.. so, I have NO idea how much weight I've lost (or gained, EEEEKS!).  

BUT, just because I'm not weighing in this week doesn't mean that YOU can't 😀  Let's get down to it…


Oh, I can't do the list because my master Excel sheet is in Indianapolis… ANNNNND.. no photo because again… all of our files are on the desktop… so, don't be mad 😀

Can't wait to hear how you all did the first week of 09! YAHOOOOOOOOSKI!!!!!

Thanks for rockin' !!!

~bobbi ❗