


Our top 5:

Jodi Pfunder – 14.7%
Katherine Inskeep – 11.11%
Calla Evans – 10.62%
April Birkencamp Johnson – 10.16%
Rich Foster – 9.92%

SO freaking proud of you guys!!!!! And Jodi… ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! CHOOOO CHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

How’d YOU do?! Did you survive Vegas without gaining? I gained 2.5 lbs while there… but lost most of that within a few days of being home. 🙂

My total loss, since the beginning… 1.48%. Impressive? No. Am I happy with that? No. Am I giving it 110% of myself right now? No.

I can’t be disappointed in that number given the lack of focus. I assure you I’m not eating like a barbarian. But, I’m not going to the gym like I should. I’m not eating as many veggies and drinking as much water as I should.  And yes yes yes… if I’m being honest… I’m a bit disappointed in myself.

Okay, enough of that! …and completely off topic. 😀

Here’s a little piece of trivia for you 🙂 Today is the 5th anniversary of the first wedding we photographed. So, happy 5 year wedding photographer anniversary to us!


A couple of photos from that wedding:

…both were taken with a Nikon D200 and a banged up Sigma 24-70 f2.8 that we bought on eBay.

Five years ago today… March 4, 2006. 🙂

In the past five years we’ve worked our asses off, we’ve given our clients 10000% of us, we’ve sacrificed a ton, and we’ve spent a lot of money. That being said, we’ve had INCREDIBLE people to take photos of, met the best friends we’ve ever had, we’ve had an amazing time doing it… and we couldn’t be more proud of where we are today.


K, that’s all from me for now… 🙂



PS. DO NOT FORGET TO WEIGH IN! 😉 Oh and FYI, and your weight loss % is your TOTAL weight lost since the beginning. 🙂