
::EDITED TO ADD:: Your starting weight is whatever it is the morning you take your “before” picture… so the sooner you take them, the more of an advantage you have! SEND ‘EM IN!!!!!

Healthy train is BACK!!!! 😀 Who’s in??!?!?!!

With the overwhelming results/feedback of the last contest… We can’t NOT do another one! We’re changing lives here people! 🙂 🙂 🙂


If you don’t want to compete… but still want to be on the healthy train… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE JOIN US… The MORE THE MERRIER!!!!!!

If you DO want to compete… send in a “before” picture to me 🙂 It has to be sent by Friday, April 16th.  Your “before” picture has to be taken within these next two weeks… it can’t have been taken a month ago… as that’s not really fair given your jump start 😀 I PROMISE not to post it!  In the end, only those who send in your “after” photos will be shown. 😀 Send all photos to

A few tips on your “before” photo.

  • wear something that is easily comparable to another outfit for your “after” photo. For example… I wear a black shirt and blue jeans… that way, as I lost weight… I could just wear smaller jeans and a smaller black shirt so that it was easy to compare.
  • also, don’t wear super loose fitting clothes. I know it sucks now to see yourself that way but trust me… you’ll thank me later!
  • stand somewhere that has a clean background… a white wall works perfectly.  Standing in front of clutter makes it difficult for you to see your outline.
  • be sure to take a side and back photo, too.
  • i’m giving two weeks this time for a deadline so that you make the time to take a good one. No self portraits in the mirror taken with a camera photo! 😉 Again, you’ll thank me later!
  • when you’re hanging out with me… you’re in the “judgment free zone”!  PLEASE know that I’m not a judgmental person in THE LEAST… send in your photo… I think you’re all beautiful! We all have to start somewhere, right?! I’ve showed you all my before photos, photos of me as a sweaty mess, hair lookin’ all crazy, etc… so, please know that I will NOT judge you! 😀

I am hoping to take a new “after photo” for my birthday on June 14th 😀 BOOOYA! This one’s oooold. Time to show you how it’s done!!! 😉

When does this contest end? October 1st (28 weeks… about 6.5 months) 😀

What is the prize? An “after” photo session taken by yours truly…. in Indianapolis 😀 Date to be determined based on the weather 🙂 If you don’t want a photo session or aren’t local… oh well… jump on anyway! 🙂 Doesn’t matter… JOIN JOIN JOIN!

Oh, and if you were in the last healthy train… you’re more than welcome to join up again! We’d love to have you 🙂 Unfortunately, to keep things fair, only the weight you lose during the current healthy train time period will be counted towards your percentage lost. This also goes for people who’ve already lost weight 🙂

We’ll weigh in every other Friday. You’ll report not how many lbs you’ve lost but instead you’re percentage lost. Total loss just isn’t fair… As some people only have 15 pounds to lose… while others have 100. Oh, and an FYI… because I don’t want anyone being dishonest just to win, I’ll factor in both the percentage lost and your OH SO dramatic before/after photos to come up with the winner.  I think this is the most fair solution to having a contest online. :)

Some extra info

  1. I canNOT stress this enough… MEASURE YOURSELF!!!!! When the pounds aren’t coming off… sometimes seeing the inches fly away are FABULOUS for the motivation.  I measure my waist, arms, thighs, bust and hips. Mike measures his waist, chest, arms, thighs and neck.
  2. If you’re a twitterer… And you’re on the healthy train… and you happen to twitter ABOUT the healthy train.. be sure to tag it with #healthytrain  K? k. If you’re interested, here’s my twitter feed.
  3. I started a “bobbi’s healthy train” group on Facebook… ANYONE can join… not just the people with the before pics. My trainer is also a member… so if you have fitness questions, ask ’em there!  It’s already been a great place… as it’s SO much easier to do this in a group than by yourself. We’d love to have you there… 😀 Though, to be perfectly fair… I’m entering into my busy season and won’t be able to be an active contributor… many of our members are fantastic at giving good advice, feedback and encouragement.
  4. I just got some great suggestions from Dane (the guy who came in 2nd place on the last train) on new things to add to the healthy train blog… I can’t wait to start implementing them here.
  5. Another friend suggested sending in progress pics more often… HMMMM… what do you think of that? Maybe every other month?

In the tradition of full disclosure… I’m a WEEEEEE bit nervous about blogging about MY weight loss during our crazy busy months… I REEEEEALLY struggle with staying healthy while traveling and while stressed. So, please team… judgment free zone, k? 🙂

FIRST WEIGH IN: APRIL 30!!!!! Get after it team 😀

I’m pumped up… hope you are too!


~bobbi ❗

PS. while I love you all… please please PLEASE report all of your progress in the comments section.. emails/facebook/twitter messages are just too much for me to keep up with. 🙂  I’m also not able to keep track of the weight loss for you… if you’re curious how any of your friends are doing… check it in the comment section 😉

PPS. Your support and encouragement means more to me than I could ever express… and I can’t thank you all enough.

PPPS. LET’S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!