Our 2011 goals (to name a few):
- get in the best shape of my life before I turn 30 (bobbi).
- play recreational sports (mike).
- go on a REAL vacation, just for us.
- spend more time living, less time working.
- buy a house.
- take more personal photos.
- start a bobbi+mike workshop.
- be amazing godparents to addison and august rose.
- have more parties like this one.
Ladies and gentlemen… what you’ve allllll been waiting for…. the unboxed photobooth images from our 1st annual “New Year’s Eve Super Duper Fancy Pants Dance Soirée”
We have what I would call the DEFINITION of fun friends
Happy New Year blog readers!
~bobbi+mike +
PS. note to self for the next Fancy Pants Dance Soirée… invest in champagne glasses…. solo cups are NOT fancy!
OOOhhhhh you two! Thank you SO much for hosting us and for giving this girl what was seriously THE best New Year’s Eve she’s had in a decade.
PS – Mike, I’m sorry we had to get you out of bed to open the gate for us at 7 the next morning
But hey, nothing like starting the new year like the early bird right? haha 
bobbi+mike workshop – YES please
great photos! Favorite is of you two. So sweet. Happy New Year!
Coolest photo of Mike ever.
Happy New Year
Can’t wait to hear the details of your workshop 
I want to send you on a kick ass vacation. when you are ready, i am here! xoxo.
Yes, a workshop, in Texas too! It’s part of my goals before 30 to take a photography workshop, would love a Bobby and Mike one.
sorry – bobbi!
Oh so much fun! Cheers to an amazing 2011!!
Funnest.NYE.Ever. I don’t care how much I will have to pay a babysitter next New Year’s, we WILL be there again. And then I can fit into a pretty fancy dress
A Bobbi + Mike workshop? HELLS TO THE YES. Sign me up.
Oh and that last pic of the two of you is perfect. Happy New Year! May your 2011 be full of fabulous photos and (proper) champagne glasses.
Such a funtastic night! Can’t wait for the next one!
That pic of Nate/Amanda…gets me every time. And, Brock…there are no words.
LOVE IT! And how awesome to see Annie in there too! Two of my daily blog reads at one party…awesome.
“Fancy Pants Dance Soiree”??? Do you have a copyright on that? B/c I would like to give that name to my 30th birthday party. I don’t even have kids yet, but a long time ago some great friends and I decided that my “grandma” name will be “Fancy.” Haha, gets me every time. Anyway, this looks like a great party with all kinds of pretty and happy people :)Happy 2011!
Is it bad that I noticed a jug of “Apple Pie” in one of the shots?! Looks like a great time!!!
Looks like a fantastic time was had by all!
i’m pretty sure this looks like the best new years eve party EVER :0) and a bobbi+mike workshop?!?! sign me up!!! :0)
These are great – I love a good soiree, Solo cups or not! And don’t ask – it’s too hard to pick a favorite, but I love the little conversation bubbles, Mike’s jump, blow-out noisemaker in the nose and of course, the last one. Thanks for sharing more of your personal selves! And that workshop notation in 2011…yeah, I’m SO there. SO! SO!! SO!!!
I’d be all over that workshop thing!!
LOVE this. and when i saw the new years goals theme, i had my fingers crossed for a mention of the much anticipated workshop. can’t wait!
ummm CUTE last photo.
a B+M work shop!?!?!? YES, PLEASE!
still so bummed we couldn’t make it….but I love love LOVE these! (and the peeps in them)
oh goodness. i check out your blog SO MUCH that as i’m looking through these photos, i say to my (non-blog-reading) husband, “why are there no photos of mike?” he says, “wait, there he is!” just as i get to the photo of (headless) mike jumping. wow. if he can identify mike from a neck-down photograph, i must be on here way too much. (:
happy new years, you two!
Wooohoo! So excited about goal #7. Can’t wait to hear more details on that one!
Hooray for a Bobbi and Mike workshop! you’re one of the only wedding photographers I continue to follow as my own business is booming. It’s always a to see what and where you’re shooting, and to give us midwesterners inspiration. I’d definitely travel to work with you two!
Thank you again for having us all over! Was awesome to be young kids again without kids!
And about spending more time living/less time working…let’s hold each other accountable on that one!!!
HOORAY for a BobbieandMike workshop!!!! Can I pre-register right now?!?!
Ditto on the “can I register now??” You KNOW that I’m, like, your biggest fan, right? Totally want to come.
workshop attendance= HERE!!!!!!!!
Erin, you are correct, ‘Apple Pie’ was a staple of the night
Too bad Bobbi didn’t post ALL the shots!!!!
And Bobbi, add a few more to your list…..
* have the new house cleaned up in time so you came make it to the FANCY dinner
* get to a competitive level with Bananagrams
* Dance like no one is watching
You should start a workshop so I can travel out from Austin to attend. Better yet, do one in Austin!
workshopp! can’t wait to hear about it! great last picture of you two!
Glad you guys had a great New Years!
This looks so fun! And I totally love the name. You and Mike look gorgeous!
And totally if there is a workshop I am in!
I’m so in for the bobbi+mike workshop!
A workshop in Texas would be the best! We need love too!!
Okay, there are 9 million two hundred and thirty three workshops out there but I am sooo going to yours. I have just been waiting for this announcement. Pease, oh please, let it focus on working together as a team. I know of no other workshops that does that. That would be uber awesome. MY meager 2cents.
Legendary! Thanks bb+mk for letting us trash your house and scare your neighbors!
Annie is looking so cute!!
and you two.. you two!! i love you two!
I LOVE this picture of the two of you above!!! So adorable! I love you guys, and your work inspires me. I check your blog daily! Thanks for being two awesome people and photographers to look up to!
and here’s to a great 2011 either because of our resolutions or perhaps despite them (still there’s always next year)
HECK YES!!!! Bobbi and Mike Workshop!!! YES PLEASE!!!
I just recognized Annie from Annie’s Eats! LOL She looks great, as do you two!
Workshops! Please :), I’m in Texas but I will travel any where for a bobbi+mike workshop.
LOVE the photos! I will keep my eye out for your first Bobbie+Mike Workshop because I’m signing up!! It’s a fantastic idea!
“it’s mine”….LOL LOL