Today is my Mom’s birthday! She works at Value City Furniture in Castleton… and will be there all day today so swing in, give her a hug, wish her a happy birthday and oh, buy some furniture! Just ask for Kim Leesley! (you can remember it easily )
1981: That’s me in her belly. Isn’t that neat?!
Fast forward to 1986… isn’t she GORGEOUS?! She’s 26 here, same age as me. Wow.
Last year on a spontaneous Momba/Bob trip to Chicago…
I’d say it’s time for a new photo of us!
~bobbi michelle
PS. In our family, it’s kind of a competition to see who can call and sing Happy Birthday first… yeah yeah yeah, we’re weird. So, hey family, looks like I’m first to wish her a happy birthday… notice the time of this post? 12am midnight… I WIN!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU… HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MOMBA… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! And for the record… I’m calling her RIGHT NOWWWWW!
Happy Birthday!!!
Great photos of your mom Bobbi! Look at how cute you are in that pic, your eyes are so blue!
Happy Birthday, Mommi!
Oh Bobbi,
I know you love your Momba. Where did you dig up those old pictures? You don’t know how much I appreciated that midnight Happy Birthday song from you and Mikey. I also want to thank you for my plane tickets to KC. I love both so much,
Thank you,
That still cracks me up that she’s your mom! She helped Brian and I out multiple times at VCF. We would ask for her everytime because we could remember her name from her little saying! Ha!
Happy Birthday Kim!!!
She is beautiful!! Love the pictures – I need to get a picture of my Mom and I, just to have.
Happy Birthday, Momba!
By the way, ew, I’m older than you! I’m an ’80-baby.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMBA!!! The old pics are awesome!
Your Momba is beautiful….and I hope her birthday is grand. It is so awesome to see how close you two are, and see her comments on every one of your posts. She must be an awesome mom.
You are so cute in that photo with your Momba!
now that’s what i call beauty!! happy birthday bobbi’s mommi!!
Happy Birthday Momba! =) Cute pictures. =)
We have the same crazy phone call tradition. Its great- who shounds amazing when they’ve just woken up in the early morning? Scratcy voices waking you up to sing happy birthday! Love it!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! : )
Happy Birthday Bobbi’s Mommy!!!!
My family has a tradition too…My brothers and I try and see who can give the gift to my my mom that makes her cry tears of joy. This also is carried over into Christmas presents as well. Loved the pic of Bobbi invitro….I wonder what Bobbi’s mom would LOVE for her birthday????
Oh, how nice is that. Happy B-day to the momma!
Wow!!! Momba is a true beauty…no wonder you are as pretty as you are,Bobbi!! Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mom!
Happy Birthday to Momba! Check her out! She just gets better with time!
Your mom is hawtttttttt
Well Momba…I don’t know you, but I love you already!
(Just like I loved you before I met YOU Bobbi!)
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!!
(oh, and PS, Bobs…that picture of you from when you’re like 5 years old is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!)
Dear Momba – now I know where Bobbi got her insanely superior cuteness.
Happy B-Day!
I want to thank all of your fellow blog posters. My head is so swollen I can’t fit out the door. Thank you, again.
Love to Y’all,
what the eff? you’re 26, too?! how did i not know this? you seemed way more cute & mature than me, so i just assumed otherwise. dur. will you be my best friend now? i’m in need of a replacement. wow. that sounds bad, doesn’t it? anyway, you’re the cutest thing ever. so there.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MOMBA!! You always look amazing. Grigh, your hair got it goin on in that photo…Mm!! When you look good…you look good. Lus You
Awww your mom is beautiful and bobbi your eyes amazing!! I love that you guys race to call your mom on her b-day! I hope my kids start that tradition with me.