First and foremost I just want to say… I love you guys. Really, I do. You make me want to be a better person. You motivate me to keep giving my 1000%. Your support means more to me than I could ever express.
I’ve been feeling so incredibly loved. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
You know, I canNOT believe that we’re leaving for Las Vegas TOMORROW! Feeling excited, anxious and a wee bit overwhelmed. That’s expected I suppose.
As for my lack of updates this week… it’s been ten times busier than I ever expected it to be. I’ve gotten more accomplished in the last week or so than I have in months. So much going on… and I can’t WAIT to share it all with you!
Oh, and the “dress, me” contest…
I can’t TELL you how much you guys helped. Not only did you send incredible suggestions… but the tips that you sent?! I’m so thankful for each and every single one of you. I know I say this all of the time… but… I really do have THE best blog readers around. Thank you for caring about me. Really. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Bottom line, I’ve never had more fun shopping/felt better about myself than I did that day… ALLLL thanks to you! I went out armed with so many more ideas and concepts and for the first time in a VEERRRRRYYY long time… I went outfit shopping and actually ENJOYED it. You guys really have no idea… thank you so so so SO much! Wow, how many times can I say thank you in one post?! sheesh!
I’ll share more about my shopping experience after we get back from Vegas… because I have LOTS to share! So many of you out there emailed and said that they could have written every word that I did that day and struggle in the same departments as I do. SO… I’ll share much of what I discovered!
All of that being said, It’s hard to pick a winner… I didn’t pick out one particular outfit… but had all of my favorite styble boards with me… and kept all of your tips and suggestions in mind while shopping. I wish that I could afford to give every single one of you a gift card… because really, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU HELPED!!!!!
There were a few of them that really stood out to me.
So, instead of picking one winner… I picked nine.
MaryAnn Naegle
Andrea Boettcher
Erica Grant
Kymberli Quackenbush
Cassie Beer
Ashley Gillett
Amy Norris
Mae Stier
Gwyneth Colleen (who sent photos of herself in outfits because we’re body twins… yeah, ABOVE AND BEYOND!)
Okay… as a quick reminder… we are speaking at a platform class the morning, 8am on Monday, February 21st. I know it’s early but, we’ll try our hardest to make it worth your while, interesting and fun… We promise!
If you haven’t already, preboard to come see us speak (or to see my outfit :D). I didn’t practice what I preach and forgot to pre-board many of my favorite speakers and now all of the pre-board tickets are gone. JUST DO IT!
Oh, and if you happen to see us out and about… say hello and throw some high fives. Though, just an FYI… our schedule is a little jam packed… so if we’re running away in the midst of the high five… please don’t take it personally!
See you there!
Your grateful, somewhat frazzled redheaded friend,
Vegas, 2007
Vegas, 2008 – photo by Amanda Reynolds
Vegas, 2009 (me on the left, Heather on the right) photo by Kelli Nicole
Vegas, 2010 – photo by Nate Kaiser. Oh, and Nate… we’re retaking this photo, thought you should know.
PS. I just cut 8 inches off of the back of my hair. Uhm… WHAT?!
Yay! I’m so happy the shopping trip went well. I need a good shopping trip in my future.
And thank YOU for being you. You inspire me, and tons of other people, not only in your photography, but just towards being a better person. Everyone could use a little sunshiney rainbow happy Bobbi in their life.
and you motivate and inspire all of us! thank you for all you do! hope you have an amazing time at wppi!
I’ve registered! See you SOON!!!
Oh yay! I’m so glad my tips helped!! I should take some of my own advice and go shopping too.
I can’t wait for you to post some pics of your new duds. xoxo
Not gonna lie…excited I won, but happy that I helped too! It was fun! Can’t wait to see what you picked up! Have fun in Vegas!!
Yeah, at first I thought, geez, 8am?!? But then I remembered we’re {I think} 3 hours difference, so it’s not that bad. I’m sure it’s worth it!
See you there in Vegas!!!!!!!!!
Your blog posts ALWAYS make me smile, but this one maybe a wee bit more than most. So happy that YOU are happy as you fly off to the Land of Vegas! Have a wonderful time while wowing everyone there, then come home to Indy where we love you and want you to stay long enough for our kiddos to grow up and fall in love and plan their weddings so they can pick YOU. So now, really, you know my plan.
yay for winning! and for you getting cute clothes! (there will be pictures on le blog, yes?) i didn’t get any work done that entire day…but i had LOTS of fun.
I love you guys! I’m sad I won’t be in Vegas this year and won’t be able to see you! Next year for sure. Have so much fun!
can’t wait to see how adorable you looked!! not that you don’t always…
good luck!!
YAY for having fun shopping!! Have a blast in Vegas!
Bobbi! I was in your class, and I have to say – you were amazing and have changed my life! Thanks for the inspiration! I have been dying to ask you who the artist was who was set to your final slide show…I MUST have them on my playlist….AMAZING! Thanks again!
K, what can I say, I knew you guys would rock at the expo. That is why I was sitting in the second row looking at you two all doey eyed (is that the right expression?) I loved your energy and the fact that you actually TAUGHT me something. I wasn’t too happy aobut a few of my other classes that taught me nothing except that the speakers were better photographers then I and they wanted us to know it. I mean if I had to hear AGAIN that
Kudos to you two, you did an amazing job. And you better believe I am posting my picture with you two on my blog, but just cause’ I think you two are super cool, not cause’ I am a Creepy McCreeperson. I hope you guys get to speak next year too, I will for sure be there!
B & D Davis made Oprah cry with their photo book one more time I was gonna loose it. After all the speal on Oprah, they told us to BELIEVE in our selves…the end. Yeah, that bad. And heaven knows after Grecco’s hour and half slide show of all the celebs he shot, I realized that I hadn’t learned anything except that that guy shoots celebs and I don’t.(I am sure they all have sweet spirits, whateve’s) I guess what I am trying to say is you guys were one of the few I felt I walked away with something. Any way, thank you thank you for giving advice, showing a few examples, telling us what to do if you have Bridezilla on your hands or tornado sirens going off. Good gosh, I have the same *awesome* rambling problem you do Bobbi
We love you bobbi! I bet you look smokin’!
omg.i am on your blog! yeah that’s right I just turned into a teenage girl on you. I can’t wait to see and hear tales of your whippy trippy(my nickname for wppi).