
Meet the CHEM family…. well… C+H+E+M= Cari+Henry+Erin+Millie… yeah, I came up with that ALLLL on my own… yeah…Β  I really am that smart. πŸ˜‰

Erin, Cari and I have been trying to schedule a session for over two years… FINALLY the stars aligned and we were able to make this happen.

It seems that all things happen for a reason. You see… two years ago… Millie wasn’t here. Isn’t she absolutely adorable?!

Here’s Henry’s fake smile… The “hurry up… I’m doing what you ask… now let me down so I can explore!!!!”

MUCH better smile!!! My favorite! ❗

Are you KIDDING me with those eyes?!

I just adore this family!

A quick cupcake break never hurt anyone! Mike’s favorites ❓

…..THEN it was finger painting time! πŸ˜€ “Do I have something on my face?”

This young man is the definition of happy! This was the day that Henry learned that blue+red=purple. You’re welcome for that..:D Oh wait… maybe this is my fave… ❗

I told him to give me a thumbs up… he looked at me like I was crazy. I showed him how… here’s what we got πŸ˜€ Got an email from Erin after the session… she said, “since our photo shoot, Henry has been giving thumbs up to anyone and everything he possible can.” πŸ˜€


champaign, ill.

erin+cari | marriedΒ  β€’ 8.7.08 | together β€’ 3.23.95

henry | ~2.5 years | 1.16.08

millie | 6 mos. | 3.1.10

erin | policy analyst | hometown β€’ owensville, ind.

cari |Β  assistant professor of microbiology | hometown β€’ warsaw, ind.



SO fantastic meeting and spending the morning with your family! πŸ˜€


~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓


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