I love me some Emily. After scrolling through this blog post you will too, I guarantee it! Emily is one of the most laid-back and sweetest brides I’ve ever photographed.

I have a general life rule: when you have a nice thought, share it, otherwise it goes to waste! I think that Emily has the same life rule… she loves her people big and tells them as often as she can.

She got ready in her childhood bedroom where Emily’s momma zipped her into her dress.

Some quickie bridal portraits on the side of the house.

I try to incorporate the momma’s as much as they’ll let me. That’s one of the difference between 23-year-old-wedding-photographer Bobbi and 37-year-old-wedding-photographer Bobbi: understanding the importance of our families.

My non-photographer friends look at this and say, “what a beautiful church with so much color!” My fellow photographers look at this image and think, “that church, while beautiful, is a white balancing challenge!”

….well that was my thought at least. The solution: embrace it! I pride myself in consistent skin tones… but in a situation like this, when skin tones are lit by very colorful lights, we just make it look exactly like the way it looked in person.

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Bryan, how much you adore your bride is how every groom should be on their wedding day!

Her dress is a classic and perfectly Emily. Very Audrey Hepburn!

I love me a man in a suit! HOW HANDSOME ARE THESE GROOMSMEN!??!!? I’ll answer that for you: SO DAMN HANDSOME!

Megan and I shoot a lot of weddings on the road in places we’ve never been before; so we always location scout the day before. We were proud of what we found!

Soooo….. there were a lot of people on this beach when we got there to photograph the wedding party…. and…. ummm…. well…. I cleared it out. #noshame Though, I assure you did it with respect and kindness.


Much love friends!
~ Bobbi
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