

kari+elias | wedding caroline+aaron | engagement amanda+scott | maternity jonah | newborn jesh de rox | workshop πŸ™‚ erin+eric | engagement boudoir 1 molly+seth | engagement vegas | fun! (better late than never!) brian+kat | engagement boudoir 2 boudoir 3 danialle+joe | wedding in the bahamas danialle+joe | trash the dress ::whew::



we'll be home Sunday night… for now, here we are. πŸ˜€




❗ bobbi+mike ❓



EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed that my arms look HUGE in that photo… it was taken with the 16-35 at 16mm… so there's a bit of distortion at the edges…. Mikey looks so lean and I look like muscle woman… DON'T MESS WITH ME! πŸ˜‰