I have been so excited to introduce you guys to Casey and Drew!That dress?! Are you KIDDING me?! It’s perfection…
Before the ceremony, we stepped out for a few bridal party images. Does she not have the most gorgeous friends ever?!
YOU.ARE.GOR.GEOUS! Are you KIDDING me with this beauty?! Help me out friends… what famous person does she look like?
Introduuuuucing…. Drew’s brother’s… AKA “DK”. Uhm. wow. BRB. I have to go pick my jaw up off of the ground now… WHOA!
Oh hellooooo hot tamale!
On the left… Casey’s best friend Kasey with her daughter. On the right… Casey with her daughter. I’d like to title this image, “CKasey + Daughter ²”
Drew’s brother officiated the ceremony… and it couldn’t have been more perfect! It was both very sweet and quite hilarious too.
HOLY HUGE WEDDING PARTY BATMAN! I think there were 30 people in this wedding party… BOOOOOM!
Casey was a wee bit obsesssed with these shoes… I can’t say that I blame her!
My favorite.
OH how I love this image!
….right after they exchanged cake….
When Drew danced with his momma, I was a pile of tears!
Casey’s cousin and Drew’s brother are incredible dancers… in the midst of the reception they had a dance off. I don’t know who won…
Nice triceps!
Perfecto way to end the night…
[br] [br] ……………………………
indianapolis, ind.
hair • Aaron Pursell Hairstyling
makeup • Becky Lee Naylor
florist • 1-800-Flowers
videographer • Nick
ceremony & reception venue • Mavris
dj • DJ gNO
cake • Taylor’s Bakery
dress • Vera Wang
bridal shoes • Jimmy Choo
bridesmaid dresses • David’s Bridal
…………………………… [br] [br] [br] [br]
their songs
bridal party • “Make You Feel my Love” –written by Bob Dylan, performed by Adele
daughters, Ava & Elsa • “My Girl” –The Temptations
bridal • “Groovy Kind of Love” –Phil Collins
wedding party • “Good Life” –Kanye West
Drew’s brothers (AKA, “DK”) • “Dance” –Big Sean
bride & groom • “Fly Together” –RedCafe
first dance • “Glory of Love” –Peter Cetera
father/daughter • “What a Wonderful World” –Louis Armstrong
mother/son • “Because You Loved Me” –Celine Dion
drew/daughters • “It Won’t be Like This for Long” –Darius Rucker
What was the most memorable moment of your day?
casey: I have two I feel so lucky to be able to have 2 grandfathers and a grandmother able to be at my wedding. I loved seeing my grandmother for the first time that day. And there is nothing sweeter than Drew dancing with Ava and Elsa. The song “It won’t be like this for long” is a tear jerker on any day but seeing them dance to it on our wedding day was priceless. I couldn’t pay too close of attention or else I would have lost it. I watched out of the corner of my eye.
drew: When the doors opened and Casey came out. I took a deep breath and said “wow”. I couldn’t believe this was really happening so I was just trying to take in the moment.
Any advice for future bride/grooms?
casey: The day, the ceremony, and reception….keep it fun!! You are celebrating with your closest friends and family….what better people to have fun with? Oh, and hire bobbi+mike to be your photographers.
drew: Marry your best friend. I did and I couldn’t be happier.
Funniest memory from your wedding day?
casey: The dance floor!!! Everyone was crazy! Especially my beautiful cousin Carrie and my brother-in-law Damien. They had a little dance-off and it was HILARIOUS. My best friend Jimmy was steamrolling across the dance floor, Drew’s aunts were nuts, my mom learned how to Dougie and of course our friend Gaga had to make it rain. We told the DJ not to play any slow songs because we wanted a dance party. We got exactly what we asked for.
drew: I have 10….and they all have to do with Jimmy Clark.
If you could do it all over, would you change anything?
casey: I wouldn’t change a thing. Our wedding was perfect! Well, maybe a little more party time
drew: Yes, I would take the time to really take it all in. I felt it went so fast and it all seems like a blur.
Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Costa Rica!!!!
[br] [br] Thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for asking us to photograph your day. It was a day I will never ever ever forget!
Much love friends!
~bobbi+mike [br] [br] [br] [br]
PS. Casey, when are we working out? [br] [br] [br]
Beautiful photos, as always! And I’m thinking Chloe Sevigny…
it’s always amazing to see your images! what a gorgeous couple and jaw dropping images!! love them all (as usual)!!!
Whoa! What a gorgeous wedding – all the gorgeous people! That DRESS! Those SHOES! AYKM?! Love this wedding! You guys are amazing!
Love it!
these made me smile so big:) always love to see what all the groomsmen do – this did not disappoint.
I think she looks like cat deely from the dancing show plus that one girl Anna from top model who acts …. She was just in a movie with Steve Carrell … And a little brooklyn decker thrown in for good measure.
Basically she’s pretty good looking
Yep! B E A U tiful just as you said =)
Haha! Love the guy sitting in the front in your bridal party picture. Also love the bride’s dress and yes, gorgeous bridesmaids too! Good job, Bobbi+Mike!
Wow wow wow do I love this one!
SO GORGE! and i LOVE those shoes! i have similar ones for my wedding and i, too, am obsessed! too many beautiful people in one blog post. i need to go have a lie down.
Wow,What a fun wedding ,love the dress………….Amazing!!!!!
beautiful images!!
Beautiful couple and a fun night!!!
What a beautiful wedding! Congratulations!
GORGEOUS! You can realllllly feel the love in these images. xoxo.
she TOTALLY looks like cheri oteri in one of the pictures!!! not the cross-eyed cheerleader cheri oteri, but the gorgeous red carpet cheri oteri. these pictures rock and the party looked ridonkulously fun!!!
Nicely played guys…nicely played! Totally impressed!! And my guess: Giuliana Rancic
What a gorgeous wedding party! I love, love the dress..tried to find it online. Anyone know what it’s called, by chance?
Great pics as always.
Just looked it up… Here it is!
Thanks for the info on the dress, Bobbi! You rock!