This is PRECISELY why we also own the domain 🙂
yeah yeah yeah, I know it's SO easy to misspell my name. instead of two b's… often times people accidentally type two o's.
As a matter of fact… the FIRST time my name was EVER published in a phone book it was written as "Boobi Sheridan" I found out by calling in a pizza. The guy, looking at his caller ID started snickering and said, "should we have this delivered to Boobi?"
"WHAT?!??!!!?" I exclaimed! Mike thought it was hilarious.
Then… when that package above was delivered by the FedEx guy… again, the snickering. "I think they misspelled your name!"
"No sh*t sherlock!" 🙂
Whatever… if you can't laugh at yourself… who can you laugh at?!
~ ❗ +
PS. this doesn't mean you can call me that 😉
now if they would have spelled your name Bobby you would have punched him instead of laughed with him. 🙂
Love you.
Heather ( or Hether depending my day)
OHHHHHH How right you are!!!!!
~ ❗ +
Oh Boobi, you slay me.
*looks around*
😉 lol. good times, great laughs. at me. go ahead, there’s many giggles to be had.
I tell ya, I think your boudiors (sp?) Should be boobies by bobbi!!
I was JUST thinking this morning (when I was writing your name on my card to you) about how you own boobie and mike. Your so genius. The pizza story is HILARIOUS!!! I love it!!!
thats frikkin hillarious!!!!
hahaha! hilarious! 🙂
This rivals the day that Shane almost bought as a domain for his shooters…
That’s so awesome! You’re every man’s favorite…. 😛
Now i feel really bad for being mad when my name gets spelled with a “k” instead of a “h”. Your misspelling really tops that:)
It’s probably a good thing you own too. I don’t think anything would come from a domain name like that 🙂
I hereby dub you Boobs McGee
🙂 My sister’s name was Bobbi, and everyone called her Boobs too–but she had a “rack” to go with the name!
That’s why I love you so much!
Thanks for the laughs at 7:00am!! I needed that before heading to my “day job” ! ! 🙂
heheheheeeee……boobi……well, at least you’ve never had people feel the need to spell bob to you….”Yes, it’s Bob..that’s B-O-B” …talk about biting your tounge!!!! Course, this was when I worked in travel…I’ve had people say they didnt’ want to sit by the window on the plane cause they just got their hair done…, that was random!!
I wonder if Michael Buble owns the domain name for “” as well?
Great story Bobbi … and don’t worry, with a last name of Werner, don’t think, on occasion, we don’t hear “Wiener” (and because my husband’s name is Nick, well, I’ll just let you figure out what the kids called him on the playground growing up)
This made me laugh, but also brought back an old memory. My parents had a friend named Bob, but he always introduced himself as “Bob, with one O”. 🙂
HAAA!!!! Great stuff. I can’t tell you how MANY times I have gone to write your name and typed boobi. It feels good that I am not alone. That is so freakin hilarious about the pizza guy. Haaaaa.
oh goodness that is too funny…it could be worse though 🙂 good thinking on owning both domain names!
Seriously funny! I needed to laugh this morning!
darn but i really wanted to call you boobi!
This is hliarious, I seriously laughed at my desk – thanks for the giggles! 🙂
*snicker* hehe 😀 I get called Larry a lot. No idea how or why!!
Too Funny….. Great Idea to buy that domain….. Way to cover your a** uh, and boobies… 🙂
Hilarious! Thanks for the giggle
That is freakin’ crazy! Oh and Betsy has no room to talk! She just posted about a “Water Ba”! Talk about confusing the average internet surfer! 🙂
Classic – hilarious, and glad you have a sense of humor about it! Happens to me all the time too
I have to admit, in all the times I emailed you, about 99% of the time I typed it that way first! Oops! 🙂
Hahahaha! Too funny. I needed a laugh in the midst of a crazy work day!
Your so freakin cute girlie.. I love reading your blog post and your quirky personality always brings a smile to my face.. I must say your blog is one of my favs.. PS your pics arent so bad either… lol
HA. good thing his name isn’t Tito. 🙂
Ha! I can’t count how many times I’ve typed in ‘Boobi’ too! …usually immediately followed by bouts of immature laughter. Hooray for this post and hooray for bobbi’s boobi. 🙂
You’re just asking for a new nickname this weekend, aren’t you?!?
Boobi it is!! 🙂
Ahhh hahaha! There you’ve gone and made me bust out laughing! This is too funny! 🙂
lol 🙂
O.K., This just made my day. Not just the fact your name gets spelled wrong but how cute your sense of humor is about it!!! I like you girl, keep smiling!!!
oh, oh… Now you planted the wrong image inside my brain… LOL
You are going to be Boobies forever… OOps… did it come right?
Love you guys
i thought i was the only one that called you that? can’t stop giggling at that. i know 6 year old humor gets me everytime.
I made that VERY mistake one of the first times I tried to visit this blog…
And thank goodness you thought to buy the boobi domain! 🙂
Freudian slip… I’m sure!
Ohhhhh….LOVE the fireworkspic….but that would totally BLOW! I get peed off when people misspell my first name, Rachel, or the retards ask how to spell my last name…married last name….Fishback….don’t ask me what kinda funky weed THAT family was smokin’ when they picked that ingenious one.
But the whole “Boobie” thing would tick me off on my “days.” I’ll never call one of my good friends…Boobie instead of Bobbie when you put it in that light:) But, sorry, I did giggle when I read your blog. Hope that retard pizza guy got his karma that week:-)
You crackle me up.
Been reading a while never commented though, until today! That is too funny, I needed a smile today, I wonder if you will have that listed as an “Alias” on your credit report. I had a blockbuster store misspell my name like 10 years ago and still occasionally get junk mail with Chestlie instead of Christie on the label!
I love this story! I am up late and I had to try very hard not to wake everyone up from laughing so hard.
LOL! 🙂
Oh you make me laugh out loud, seriously! I had a good chuckle over this one! You’re such a great sport.
What’s even worse is when your Outdoor Photographer magazine comes in every month with the name “Mr. Boobie Davis” on it and your 13 year old daughter can’t stop laughing! I’m sure I make the mailman’s day every month!! LOL Too funny I thought I was the only one….
LOLOLOL. Crack me up!
Funniest thing I have heard in a while!