

This is PRECISELY why we also own the domain 🙂



yeah yeah yeah, I know it's SO easy to misspell my name.  instead of two b's… often times people accidentally type two o's.  

As a matter of fact… the FIRST time my name was EVER published in a phone book it was written as "Boobi Sheridan"  I found out by calling in a pizza.  The guy, looking at his caller ID started snickering and said, "should we have this delivered to Boobi?" 

"WHAT?!??!!!?" I exclaimed! Mike thought it was hilarious. 

Then… when that package above was delivered by the FedEx guy… again, the snickering.  "I think they misspelled your name!"

"No sh*t sherlock!"  🙂

Whatever… if you can't laugh at yourself… who can you laugh at?! 

~ ❗ +  

PS. this doesn't mean you can call me that 😉