
You guys already know about my obsession with Instagram… 🙂 (I mentioned it on this post).

For those of you who don’t know what it is yet, let me tell you!

I pulled this from their website FAQ’s…

Instagram is a fun & quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your iPhone, then choose a filter to transform the look and feel of the shot into a memory to keep around forever. We’re building the platform to allow you to experience moments in your friends’ lives through pictures as they happen. We imagine a world more connected through images of what happens around them – whether through friends or people across the world.

What I really appreciate about Instagram is it’s simplicity (for the same reason I prefer Twitter to Facebook). Instagram is a visual timeline… no reading (though, you can add a caption if you choose), no clicking… instead just scrolling, looking, double tapping to “like” an image or you can choose to leave a comment.

Bottom line, it’s not a huge time vacuum like Facebook is (which, as many of you know… I have a love/hate relationship with).

Also, like Twitter, you have complete control of your feed.

The drawback? It’s only available on the iPhone. 🙁 Though, from what I’ve been reading… they’re in the process of developing it for Android.

[br] Start reading here if you already know how amazing Instagram is… 

Because I love it so much… I thought it might be fun to have a monthly insta-challenge (well, if the first one goes well 😉 ). Each challenge will have a theme… and at the end of the challenge, I’ll post thumbnails of all of those who’ve entered and announce the winner.  The winner will receive a $20 iTunes gift card. Fun huh? I’ll answer that for you…. Yes! It is!

Here’s how you play.

Take a photo with the theme in mind… then post the image to Instagram with the hashtag #bbmk (that way I can see everyone who’s entered).

We will then announce the winner a week later. BOOOOOOOOM!

This month’s theme: “EXTREME closeup self portrait”

Here are ours…

[br] [br] Contest ends one week from today at midnight EST. (Monday the 12th).

I’ll announce the winner on March 14th. 😀

Don’t forget about the #bbmk hashtag!

Can’t wait to see your EXTREME closeups!

Love to you my friends.

~bobbi ❗

[br] [br] PS. yes, Mike’s eyelashes are ridiculously long. I often Imagine how difficult it was to have those eyelashes like those in science class with the microscope… You guys know what I’m talking about, right?! Mine are average length and they were out of control with the damn microscope!   [br]



A couple of things I’m noticing as the entries come in…

  1. It has to be a self portrait… photos of your adorable kids don’t count. 😉
  2. It has to be an EXTREME closeup.
  3. No Twitter account needed. Just add the hashtag to your Instagram post. 😀 #bbmk
  4. If your Instagram feed is set to private… even with the hashtag, I won’t be able to view your photo. 🙁
  5. The image has to be taken with your camera phone… and it can’t be a photo of a photo. 😀