I love photographing people for who they are when no one’s looking. It’s been a goal of mine the second I started photography.
Three years ago I attended a Jesh de Rox photography/life workshop that pushed me further towards that goal. It changed both my outlook on life and on photography. I don’t mean to sound dramatic… but it’s the absolute truth! If you’ve been following our work for a long time, you can see a very distinct difference pre-workshop and post (I attended In April 2008)
Jesh has since given these ideas/type of sessions a name… “Beloved.” It’s spreading like wildfire!
The impact of his Beloved ideas and thoughts have affected me… and they affect me daily in an awesome way. Because of that, I want to spread his amazingness to as many photographers/friends as I can.
Below are a few Beloved inspired images.
Here’s where I tell you why I’m blogging about all of this He’s giving a free online preview talk TONIGHT March 23, 2011 at 9 pm EST… and I can’t encourage you all enough to register.
A few words about his talk:
Beloved: A Business that Feeds Your Heart & Your Family
Find out more about the new, heart-centered genre of photography that’s sweeping the world.
In this 1hr web seminar, Jesh will discuss Experiential Technique, the information technology that powers the exciting new genre of Beloved. He’ll give an overview of the massive potential it represents to photographers in all fields, strengthening their current work and enabling them to explore a huge untapped market of clients in a way that could truly touch the world.
The preview talk will be held online, March 23, 2011, at 9:00 pm EST featuring world-renowned photographer and director of the Beloved Collective, Jesh de Rox.
Jesh will outline how the Beloved Collective is empowering photographers right now, its plans going forward and how photographers that want in on this industry-wide revolution can learn more!
It’s TONIGHT so, just a few hours left to sign up… what do you have to lose?! It’s FREE! Sign up for your registration here!
See you there friends
::UPDATE:: The link is fixed!
the link isn’t working

i’m having trouble with the link too
but am SO excited that you shared this. thank you!
Hey friends… I’ve emailed Jesh and asked him to help me with this. I’ll update it as soon as I hear back!
We’ve been big fans of Jesh as well.. So thank you Bobbi for this info!
I just tried it, and it seemed to work.
back up and running, i signed up. I can’t wait!! -Tricia
Oh I am so glad you posted this. This is why I adore you and Mike so much. You create what I strive to create.
I blogged about something similar not that long ago…
How I wish I could be a part of this but I will be at a little league game watching my son pitch.
You have two different times listed. Is it supposed to be 9PM EST?
Bobbi, I registered yesterday based on your tweet??? I’ve yet to receive the details to access the talk tonight. I’ve sent a tweet to Jesh. Hope to be there tonight with you!
I can’t get the link to work either. But thanks for the info! I’ll keep trying!
Bobbi, Just got the email with details. See you tonight!
Ack! I would love to join in! But, the link isn’t working for me either.
still having trouble w/the link…
Bobbi, thank you SO much for posting about this! I thoroughly enjoyed his webinar and hope to learn more. The images you attached to this post are emotional to look at it. Listening to him has made me excited about taking things to the next level. Thanks!
P.S. I read Betsy’s blog and LOVE, LOVE that image of she and Joss. So beautiful. Thanks for showcasing your talent. I love following your blog as well.
I want to genuinely thank you for posting this webinar. I always knew there was something “different” about your photography and Rich and Alyssa from Nickel City Studios (they “beloved’d” our wedding).
This is it.
I am truly inspired from Jesh’s little chat and as someone who is just kind of figuring out what is important in my life and how to focus my energies and time, this is something worth that attention. I am at the brink of applying for business school and I would love to incorporate this into my reality and studies for the next few years. My husband is starting out his own business doing what he loves(quit his great job, now making his own iphone game! ahh! we crazy!), and this grounds and emphasizes that we are doing the right thing. Sometimes it’s lonely being “different” or trying to forge our own path, and we are so excited and can’t wait to see what Jesh has to offer, if we come even a degree closer to where you and Mike are, we will be lucky. Thank you for sharing your heart with us all the time. I think I’m starting to get it.
I saw Jesh speak at WPPI. He put the words to where I want my images to go, to what is in my heart and what I want to do with my business. I don’t know if inspired is the right word for what I felt when I left- I felt like what I was searching for was validated, attainable and very real. I wasn’t able to participate last night unfortunately, but I am so appreciative of his work, passion and heart and I cannot wait to learn more from him!
The last pic is still one of my favorites — maybe because I have a 5 month old and would like nothing more than to have an image like that to treasure forever! I’ve also been on the hunt for those Grasshopper Diapers, but apparently everyone loves them so they sell out as soon as they are restocked!
AHHHH! Thank you so much for blogging about this! Logged on last night and it was aaahhhmazing!
I absolutely love your beloved inspired picutres!
I loved Jesh’s emotion… I’ve been following him for a few years now! LOVE the BELOVED!
So, just now seeing this and seeing Nick and I’s faces pop up on here and my heart just FILLED with gratitude. You two do Beloved so, so SO well!
Hugs to you friend!
I saw today that you are a speaker for the Her Photography Conference! I am BEYOND excited about this whole deal. I’m praying there will still be tickets available when I’m ready to purchase.

And I see the Bobbi Shop will be open soon- so exciting! Thank you for sharing so much of your life and business with us. Your images and the personality behind them inspire me to keep moving forward.
I hope to meet you someday. I just had this thought that I may cry when I meet you. That would be awfully creepy and embarrassing.
in.love You guys are amazing!!!!
Bobbi said, “I love photographing people for who they are when no one’s looking.”
Bobbi that is brilliant. I love that. Great mantra!
[…] Bobbi and Mike are amazing at posing families and we adore the family shot featured above. What a great idea for a family with babies! Today we’re featuring unique family photo poses of all sizes and just in time for the Holidays! […]
[…] Image source: bobbiandmike.com […]
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Need pics done where are u located
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