
I love photographing people for who they are when no one’s looking.  It’s been a goal of mine the second I started photography.

Three years ago I attended a Jesh de Rox photography/life workshop that pushed me further towards that goal. It changed both my outlook on life and on photography. I don’t mean to sound dramatic… but it’s the absolute truth! If you’ve been following our work for a long time, you can see a very distinct difference pre-workshop and post (I attended In April 2008) 🙂

Jesh has since given these ideas/type of sessions a name… “Beloved.”  It’s spreading like wildfire!

The impact of his Beloved ideas and thoughts have affected me… and they affect me daily in an awesome way. Because of that, I want to spread his amazingness to as many photographers/friends as I can.

Below are a few Beloved inspired images. 😀

Here’s where I tell you why I’m blogging about all of this 😀 He’s giving a free online preview talk TONIGHT  March 23, 2011 at 9 pm EST… and I can’t encourage you all enough to register.

A few words about his talk:

Beloved: A Business that Feeds Your Heart & Your Family

Find out more about the new, heart-centered genre of photography that’s sweeping the world.

In this 1hr web seminar, Jesh will discuss Experiential Technique, the information technology that powers the exciting new genre of Beloved. He’ll give an overview of the massive potential it represents to photographers in all fields, strengthening their current work and enabling them to explore a huge untapped market of clients in a way that could truly touch the world.

The preview talk will be held online, March 23, 2011, at 9:00 pm EST featuring world-renowned photographer and director of the Beloved Collective, Jesh de Rox.

Jesh will outline how the Beloved Collective is empowering photographers right now, its plans going forward and how photographers that want in on this industry-wide revolution can learn more!

It’s TONIGHT so, just a few hours left to sign up… what do you have to lose?! It’s FREE! Sign up for your registration here!

See you there friends 🙂


~bobbi ❗


::UPDATE:: The link is fixed!