
I snapped a few quickie portraits just a few days ago for use on her birth announcement… thought I’d share 🙂 August’s first (of way too many, I’m warning you now…) official photo session. 😀

this one’s my fave 🙂

We were all done with photos, Ryan was holding her… still diaperless… when, you guessed it, she peed… ALLLL over her daddy. 😀 He held her out and she finished her business. Momma thought she deserved a high five for her “pee all over daddy” move, so she came over and gave her kisses. I clicked. 🙂 Andrea & August, you’re gorgeous.

THEN I look over to see THIS happening right behind us. CLICK CLICK CLICK!

….and then my heart melted into one zillion pieces…

Much love friends,

August’s OH SO proud godparents… Mike & Bobbi. 🙂