Our very loyal friends… Ashley and Casey Two years ago they got married. A year-ish later they had a baby… BADABOOM BADABING! In the last three years, we’ve had the pleasure of photographing them four times. Engagement. Wedding. Maternity. Today. You see, this team… they get it… they understand the importance of photography… they understand the importance of capturing these times in their lives that, in the beginning, move so fast. It all changes in the blink of an eye. Whoa. I just got deep… and before you’ve even started scrolling!
Meet Miss Merritt… she’s, in a word… a firecracker. This girl has more energy and pizazz than most people develop over the course of their lives! Oh, and she’s only five! Doesn’t she look much older and more mature?! Yeah…. agreed!
This family lives in St. Louis… when they asked us if we were coming to or through their city this fall we sadly said no. SOOOO… Ashley being the ever-clever lady she is planned a trip to Columbus, Ohio to visit family and to go to an Ohio State football game…. wiiiiith…. a quick stop by Indianapolis for a session. Told you she was clever! GENIUS! PUUUURE GENIUS! On that note, you really have no idea how much I appreciate that you made the trip to us… For real! We just love you guys so much.
The light that evening was so money!
Ashley and Casey, how is it you two become even more beautiful every time I see you?!
Ellie has to be one of the most expressive babies we’ve photographed!
….and here’s yet another expression! Merritt, you did such a great job with all of the fun ideas or this session. Throwing a high five your way beauty!
Ashley… let me just say… YOU HAD A BABY LESS THAN A YEAR AGO?!!?! Whatever it is you’re doing to have that hot tamale body… write about it and sell it for lots of money! Because you my love… you are SMOKIN’ HOT!
And last but CERTAINLY not least… our favorite.
It’s full on. Double rainbow all the way across they sky?! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! It’s so bright and vivid. It’s so intense. Oh. My. God. What. Does. This. MEAN??!?!!??! AHHHH!!!!
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Indianapolis, Ind.
ashley+casey :: married 2 years • 10.29.10
Ashley :: hometown – St Louis, Mo. :: mom & photographer :: five words – Beautiful, caring, funny, supermom, sensitive
Casey :: hometown – Fort Myer’s Fla. :: CEO/partner :: five words – Handsome, BestDadEver (one word), thoughtful, sensitive, cheezy!
Merritt Alexandra :: 5 years old :: born 1.22.08 :: five words – Talkative, outgoing, funny, creative, caring
Ellie Vivienne :: 10 months old :: born 12.31.12 :: five words – Hilarious, cuddly, chunky!, gigglemonster, perfect
Your perfect Saturday :: A perfect family saturday would be waking up, going over to the park for a walk with the pups. Listening to Merritt talk the whole way, Ellie laughing, Moose chasing squirrels, Chewy being gimpy. Then heading out for lunch and hanging out with the all the grandmas, grandpas, sisters and brothers. Really just being together. It doesn’t matter much what we’re doing as long as we’re doing it together.
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…Mike coming in for the save! And this photo? Taken by Merritt.
I’m telling you… she’s a true artist!
[br] [br] [br] [br] Ashley and Casey… you two mean the world to us. Thanks for being our friends… BUDDDDDDY!
Much love!
~bobbi+mike +
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