
Meet Amy and Jon!They both work for John Deere in Iowa (where they met)… after hearing that I went on a full out mission to find the perfect John Deere tractor for our session. My favorite ❗The sun was so perfectly golden…They met while working in the Grain Tank department… so of COURSE we had to get a photo with some corn!
High fives to the farmer who let us photograph his tractor! Then a wardrobe/location change… Love! Mike’s favorite ❓Amy, you’re pretty!



Indianapolis, Ind.

Wedding  ::  April 14, 2012  ::  Richmond, Ind.

Together  ::  January 9, 2009

Engaged  ::  August 14, 2011

Amy  ::  Manufacturing Engineer, John Deere •  hometown  ::  Richmond, Ind.

Jon ::  Weld Engineer, John Deere  •  hometown  ::  Cortland, Ohio

Where they live now  ::  Des Moines, Iowa

How they met, as told by Amy  ::  “We first met in the Grain Tank department at work, which we shared responsibility for.  After taking Jon out with friends and hanging out together bowling, we realized it was meant to be.”



If my Papa were alive, he would be SO jealous! Man oh man, you blog readers would have loved him…Much love friends!

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓