PREEEEEEPAAAAARE YOURSELVES FOR CUUUUUTNESS OVERLOOOOAD!!!!!Meet Levi, he’s the oldest and the CEO of this family. No really, he is. This kid is meant to be a boss!
Mom, you have FANTASTIC hair!
Oh and dad’s dimples? Yeah yeah yeah… they’re a show stopper…. Psh… BUT…. notice all three kids have those little lower dimples right below the corners of their mouths? THOSE came from momma!
LILLY! She’s my new best friend. No really, this girl and I were meant to meet that day!
Yes, they really are as cute in person as they are in images.
But REALLY!? AHHH!!!! Is this family is straightoutta the movies perfect or what?! My favorite
And finally… Asher… he’s the resident class clown! (as if you didn’t already know?!). Every single one of these kids is destined for greatness.
MOM!!!! I’M DYING OVER THIS!!!! And young Levi…. he clearly learned how to work it for the camera from his dad. ARE YOU KIIIIIDDING ME WITH THIS IMAGE?! Another favorite
Hey Lilly, let’s hang out soon, k? k.
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amanda+nick :: married ~13 years • 6.22.02
How they met, as told by Amanda :: We were high school sweethearts. We met when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore but didn’t start dating until I was a junior.
Amanda :: hometown – Indianapolis. :: photographer :: five words – Selfless, compassionate, learner, loyal, holistically beautiful, “the glue”
Nick :: hometown – Indianapolis. :: school administrator :: five words – Honest, loving, genuine, dedicated, hilarious
Levi :: 10 years old :: five words – Kind-hearted, empathetic, creative, imaginative, rule follower
Lilly :: 8 years old :: five words – Firey, loving, strong, confident, thoughtful
Asher :: 6 years old :: five words – Carefree, funny, smart, diligent, sweet
Your perfect Saturday :: We all sleep in and once the kids wake up, snuggle in our bed for a while. Then no plans all day! We play outside, ride bikes, maybe swim. Then make dinner and have a fire in the fire pit with s’mores. Perfection.
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HEYYYYYY TEAM!!!!!Sometimes my hair is verrrry Merida… you know… Brave…
A HUGE thanks to ProDPI, Renaissance Albums, Rewind Documentaries, Second Street Creative, VSCO, LawTog, ProPhoto Blog,Pixieset, BlogStomp, AlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop
for your contributions to our workshop! (we do not receive compensation from any of these companies – these are really great companies whose services and products we use. they’ve been kind enough to send swag and/or discount codes for our workshop attendees!)
Officiiiiicial team portrait of bbmk alumni workshop #3!
I adore and appreciate every single one of you!!!!
Disclaimer: the family workshop is only open to the bbmk workshop alumni (AKA, you’ve already attended a previous bobbi workshop).
Fall workshop announcement coming soon… so make sure you’re on the mailing list! (mailing list always gets a head start on booking). We’d love to have you!
Sending love and high fives to every single one of you! Thanks for everything friends!
PS. Do you already “like” our Facebook business page? If not. DO IT!
Also… the business is on Instagram so be sure to follow @bobbiandmike
For my personal Instagram feed, follow @bobbiphoto… though be warned, it’s mostly photos of our beloved pup #MurphyMo and iPhone sneak peeks of our sessions/weddings.
AMAZING! (As I knew they would be….). What a beautiful family, and awesome workshop…BBMK rocks!
I want to hang these pictures all over my house. Not pictures like these, but these actual photos. Is that weird?! Love this family and absolutely adore these photos. Such a perfect workshop!!!!!
So much sweetness. What a beautiful family and those kiddos are fantastic!
These are just beautiful- what a treasure for the family! I don’t know how you managed to capture so many happy, fun, sweet little faces. And that last one- holy smokes, that is just perfection. LOVE the connection between everyone, especially Mom and Dad!
WHY? WHY do you do this to me? I can’t even be more obsessed with this family and their gorgeous images!!! I need to have another kid so I can apply for your workshop family models. MAKE ME LOOK GORGEOUS TOO BOBBI!!!
Puh-shaw!!!! This session is pure awesome!
Okay — where do I start?????? This family is perfect! The little girl in front of the pink wall — SHUT UP!!!!!!!! She’s the cutest with those freckles! Mom with the three kids — I want to cry it’s so good! Laying down at the end, GEEEEZZZ!!! And the family pic in front of the truck — well it’s amazing! Oh, and your hair is pretty amazing too, just saying!
This was such an eye opening day for me. Having actually witnessed this art being created gives me a tiny sense of how invaluable these images will be to this family. All of them are amazing!!! You guys make everyone around you better at life and it shows in your photos.
You guys are so good at everything you do, but I especially love your family work!! These images are absolutely gorgeous and will be so cherished by this family! I love them all!!
I am swooooooooning over the image in front of the car!!!! JUST GENIUS!
Whooooooooa, this family is GORGEOUS. They’re straight out of a magazine! My favorite is your favorite! So, so perfect!!
This session is so AWESOME. I love every single shot. I hope this family prints them all for their wall.
What an amazingly adorable family! I’m OBSESSED with the black and white jumping shot. Love the one in front of the truck too. Awesome awesome job as always!
I can’t EVEN with this session, Bobbi! You are the master! So much YES in every image.
Um wowzas. A STUNNING family all the way down to the dimples. Perfectly captured by you guys! Love them.
OH.MY.GOSH!!! SO MANY FAVES!! That one with mama and her babies!? Get outta here!!!! What a treasure! And the one of the three kids in front of the tire…and the family shot in front of the truck….gahhhhh. LOVE how their personalities just scream out of these pics. Also…as a mom who has a bunch of kids who look like their dad….it gave me all kinds of heart swells that you pointed out the trait their mama gave them. <3
Bobbi! Geez!!! You rock every session and wedding that you do and you make sure everyone has a great time while your at it. You guys are well, your just my favorite!:-) I love the one in front of the truck. And the one at the end. and….;-)
Priceless Perfection!
Beautiful, as always…that picture of mama with her 3 kiddos…man, oh man. You create the best gifts in these images.
This family is SO SWEET!!! Full of love and happiness! Those kids just look like they like each other so much
My fav though is the one of mama with her three kids!!