
PREEEEEEPAAAAARE YOURSELVES FOR CUUUUUTNESS OVERLOOOOAD!!!!!18_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015Meet Levi, he’s the oldest and the CEO of this family. No really, he is. This kid is meant to be a boss!19_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015Mom, you have FANTASTIC hair!
20_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015Oh and dad’s dimples? Yeah yeah yeah… they’re a show stopper…. Psh… BUT…. notice all three kids have those little lower dimples right below the corners of their mouths? THOSE came from momma! 😉21_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015LOVE THIS ONE!22_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015LILLY! She’s my new best friend. No really, this girl and I were meant to meet that day!23_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015Yes, they really are as cute in person as they are in images. 24_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015But REALLY!? AHHH!!!! Is this family is straightoutta the movies perfect or what?! My favorite ❗25_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015And finally… Asher… he’s the resident class clown! (as if you didn’t already know?!). Every single one of these kids is destined for greatness. 26_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015MOM!!!! I’M DYING OVER THIS!!!! And young Levi…. he clearly learned how to work it for the camera from his dad. ARE YOU KIIIIIDDING ME WITH THIS IMAGE?! Another favorite ❗27_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015Hey Lilly, let’s hang out soon, k? k. 29_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015WHOA! MOM?! YOU.ARE.BEAUUUUTIFULLLL!!!

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amanda+nick  ::  married ~13 years • 6.22.02

How they met, as told by Amanda  :: We were high school sweethearts. We met when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore but didn’t start dating until I was a junior.

Amanda ::  hometown – Indianapolis.  ::  photographer  ::  five words – Selfless, compassionate, learner, loyal, holistically beautiful, “the glue”

Nick  ::  hometown – Indianapolis.  ::  school administrator  ::  five words – Honest, loving, genuine, dedicated, hilarious

Levi  ::  10 years old  ::  five words – Kind-hearted, empathetic, creative, imaginative, rule follower

Lilly  ::  8 years old  ::  five words – Firey, loving, strong, confident, thoughtful

Asher  ::  6 years old  ::  five words – Carefree, funny, smart, diligent, sweet

Your perfect Saturday  ::  We all sleep in and once the kids wake up, snuggle in our bed for a while. Then no plans all day! We play outside, ride bikes, maybe swim. Then make dinner and have a fire in the fire pit with s’mores. Perfection. 

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HEYYYYYY TEAM!!!!!30_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015Sometimes my hair is verrrry Merida… you know… Brave😉31_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015A HUGE thanks to ProDPIRenaissance AlbumsRewind DocumentariesSecond Street CreativeVSCOLawTogProPhoto Blog,PixiesetBlogStompAlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop 😉 for your contributions to our workshop!  (we do not receive compensation from any of these companies – these are really great companies whose services and products we use.  they’ve been kind enough to send swag and/or discount codes for our workshop attendees!)32_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015Officiiiiicial team portrait of bbmk alumni workshop #3! 😀 I adore and appreciate every single one of you!!!!33_bobbiphotoworkshop_family2015

Disclaimer: the family workshop is only open to the bbmk workshop alumni (AKA, you’ve already attended a previous bobbi workshop). 😀

Fall workshop announcement coming soon… so make sure you’re on the mailing list!  (mailing list always gets a head start on booking). We’d love to have you!

Sending love and high fives to every single one of you! Thanks for everything friends!

~bobbi ❗

PS. Do you already “like” our Facebook business page? If not. DO IT!

Also… the business is on Instagram so be sure to follow @bobbiandmike  😀

For my personal Instagram feed, follow @bobbiphoto… though be warned, it’s mostly photos of our beloved pup #MurphyMo and iPhone sneak peeks of our sessions/weddings. 😉