Boy oh boy we REALLY hit the jackpot with the two families we photographed for the alumni workshop! I’ve always been SO nervous about photographing a family for a workshop because, let’s face it, kids are unpredictable. I finally felt comfortable doing it in front of a group of people who’ve already seen us work… that way if I bombed they’d know that it was a fluke.
On the left is Ava… she’s the oldest.
My favorite families to photograph all have three or more kids. Kind of weird coming from an only child right? (though I do have half siblings who are much younger than me and live in Washington state who I rarely see). I’m convinced that big families are always so close. I see it at weddings too and am always so envious.
I’ve over-thought this theory and here’s what I’ve concluded: when there are three or more kids in one family at least two of them are sharing a room at any given time. Thus, there’s no escaping your siblings… you’re stuck together… you’re forced to get along. I’m having a hard time explaining… but I think you get what I mean? For the record I’m not saying that families with zero, one or two kids aren’t close… it just seems more common amongst larger families.
Again, I’m an only child so this is all based on observation. Does anyone else have a better theory?
Knox and Annabelle. Knox, you are a bit of a show-stealer!
Oh, and Annabelle thinks I’m “soooo precious!”
She was my best friend that day.
So to Annabelle I say… YOU are sooo precious!
My thirty-year goggles are obsessed with this image.
Then we changed clothes and headed to a field.
AMANDA?! YOUUUU AAAARE GORGEOUS!!!!! Notice daddy and Ava’s profiles…. they’re identical.
Our favorite
I won’t lie… we kiiiiinda knocked this session outta the park. Though really… have you seeeeen them?! The definition of beautiful… inside and out!
Ava’s the only one in her whole family with blue eyes.
Knox, you are going to be a guaranteed heart-breaker. GUARANTEED!
A HUGE thanks to ProDPI, Renaissance Albums, Rewind Documentaries, Second Street Creative, VSCO, LawTog, ProPhoto Blog, BlogStomp, AlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop for your contributions to our workshop!
Much love friends!
Knox and me. That kid has sweetness pouring out of him!
bbmk Workshop Alumni #2. I can’t even tell you how much I love this team!
We’re announcing our normal Fall workshops SOOOON! To be the first to know, sign up for our mailing list… they always get first dibs on booking. BOOM!
i adore this family. the minute they stepped out of their van with their perfectly adorable cuteness, i died. you obviously did an amazing job. i knew these would be incredible and have been waiting to see them!! the laying down one is absolute perfection. and the sister pic, LOVE it. would have loved to have one of those of me and my sissy growing up!
and ps, i totally agree about the big family thing! until my oldest brother moved out, the two girls and the younger boys always shared rooms. we love each other. xxxxxxxx
Oh my goodness. I repeat: OH MY GOOOOOODNESS!!! How freaking adorable!!! Those kids! I love that black and white of Ava! The missing teeth phase of life is so short, and so stinkin’ cute! The three kids laying down is awesome too, and the one of the whole family sitting in the field! Absolute perfection!!!
These are incredible!!!!! You can just see the love and sweetness pouring out of this family. These are something they will cherish forever. You are so so good at what you do!
WOW WOW WOW, what a gorgeous family!!! I mean…GORGEOUS. Your 30 year goggles are right, that image is one of your best ever, and something to treasure!!!
Wowzers. This is just amazing. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. I wanna be workshop models!!! #sojelly
Oh man. These are so so so good. I love that turquoise door image, and the sisters image…..ack!!! It’s amazing. And their outfits are perfect. Such a sweet beautiful family. So glad I got to be there to watch the magic :).
First of all, seriously now with those names?! I love every single one of them. And the colors and poses for each of these images – spot on for every single one of them. You guys are so good! I think the one in front of the teal door and the one of all the family laying on the blanket are my favorites! Totally wish I would have been there to see this session in action!
These. Are. Amazing. LOVE family sessions with lots of kids!!! The ones of the two girls and the laying down shots – AMAAAAAZING!!! As a person from a family of 7 kids, and having 5 of my own, I think a big part of being so close is that the older ones see at least some of the younger ones growing up a bit. They go from helping with baby to seeing them learn how to walk, teaching them, and suddenly playing with them! So, so great!
Outrageously good!!! LOVED this family and their sweet kiddos!! And you guys were SO incredible in action. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!! And you’re right….big families are so much fun!! It’s like it forces you to learn to like people and even more so each other. Love you guys!!! Can’t thank you enough for all you’ve poured into us!!! XOXO!!
This family could not have BEEEEEEEN any sweeter or more perfect!!!!!! Their outfits !?! PERFECTION!!! And you guys totally did knock it out of the park. In the words of Zach Henson from behind the scenes “this isn’t even real right now.” I’ve been dying to see these and they were everything I’d hoped for and more! That one of the three kids laying down = fave. Thanks for letting us tag along. And thank you for hosting a life changing alum workshop. I love you guys. Xoxo
My absolute favorite thing about these photographs, are the sweet smiles with missing teeth! I love that stage in a child’s life! So fun, so cute. You captured this darling family! Love the colors! A+
LOVE ALL THE COLORS!!! And Ava’s freckles are the cutest!
This is an awesome family – beautiful inside and out. I know them personally, and LOVE the pics. You had beautiful subjects, but do beautiful work. So glad you were able to photograph them, and share the fun and adorable personalities!
Where did Mike get that head? It is hilarious! Wish someone had of gotten a picture of your reaction. Or anyone else’s reaction. I love when you blog!!!!!!!!!
UM……. OBSESSED WITH THESE! You were right, this family is just perfect and you ROCKED this session!
Amazing candid shots of all the kids! What an adorable family
Loved watching you guys work and loved coming to the alum workshop….aaaaamazing experience!!! These are fan-frikin-tastic!!! My cheeks hurt from smiling! Love you guys!!!
Family sessions just don’t get any better than this one! They are completely perfect! That black and white of the little freckly girl — AMAZING!!! And then all the kids together — well, just ALL OF THEM are PERFECT!!!
The quilt and the teal door! Out of this world for real!
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE these SOOOOOO much!!! You are amazing and I am SO thankful for my time with you and the group. Truly inspiring! Thank you! <3
30 year goggles no doubt <3 gah I could look at these over and over and it isn't even my family. LOL!
YAY!!! I’ve been DYING to see these! I had no doubt they were going to be anything but fantastic and you did not disappoint. LOVE every single image but that laying down shot is soooooo money. Loved that I was able to see you guys in action and loved every minute of the alumni workshop. You guys are so inspiring! Thank you again for everything!
I must know how you have so much energy – you should bottle it up and sell it for reals! Now on to your session…. all of your sessions reflect the epitome of fun, love, laughter, togetherness! I cant get over how lovely and vibrant the colors are. Love everything about the adorableness of these kiddos!!!!! SO SWEET!
Love it, such great family photos! Hoping you guys come to Hawaii one day for a workshop ????
OMG…seriously…these pictures are to die for!!!!!!! I DIE! I love the blanket shot and the three of them laying (2nd to last) MONEY!…I would totally blow that up. Just beautiful.
Omg I love this session so much!!!! Seriously it may be one of my favs!!! Beautiful fam! High fives buds!
These people hold a special place in my heart. I love these photos, the photographers and the family. You guys knocked it out of the park and I’m glad I was able to be a part of this.
Get out! Cracking up at the Unicorn Head. Oh my word!
This family is gorgeous! You two are amazing. Still blown away every time!
These are absolutely beautiful! One of my favorite sessions ever! Every single image is perfect-o. What a beautiful family, and so much love! Amazing how much love and affection you can capture in a picture. You should be so proud of these- they are really something to treasure!
Adorbs, Adorbs, Adorbs!!! I loved this session, that “30 year goggles” one had me smiling from ear to ear, wish I had one of those with my brother and sister!