


We shot their entire session on Notre Dame's campus.  There's a little lake where people go to relax and study… and that's where this one was taken 😀











 LOVE THIS SHOT! It's my favorite ❗












Here we are in the Grotto… those are candles in the background 😀






Yes yes yes, Marilyn Monroe on the soles of her shoes 😀   Mikey's favorite ❓

















"Bring it in TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT!"
















A little switcho-chango into some Notre Dame gear… and then off to the stadium 😀






A few of my HILAAAAAAARIOUS jokes 😉






 Yes, the famous "Touchdown Jesus" You can see this building from inside the stadium.  Hence… the name 😀





SOUTH BEND, Ind. We had never met these two until that day.  After all, they live and are getting married in Long Island, NY so meeting was sort of out of the question 😀  Needless to say, we all got along PERFECTLY!!!! AHHHH WE CANNOT WAAAAAAIT FOR THEIR WEDDING!!!!!!!

Alicia has SO much energy and I swear to you… I think she talks faster than me.  Yes yes yes yes, FASTER THAN ME!  Being around her gets me all hyped up! She was SO excited about getting her photo taken.  And we, of course… were THRILLED to meet them/take their pictcha.

Chuck… when I met him… I said, "you're 100% Irish, aren't you?!" His response… "uhm… yeah…" I couldn't help but think that he looked like he belonged to my dad's side of my family.  Rosy cheeks, freckles,  big smile,  light eyes… I tell you, those Irish men all look alike 😀 He was the reason we shot this session on Notre Dame's campus… he's an alum! 😀 As a kid, he grew up loving Notre Dame… and when it came to picking a college there were no other options… Notre Dame it was 😀  He was a walking Notre Dame encyclopedia 😀

We cannot WAIT until your July wedding… We just KNOW it's going to be PERFECTION in EVERY way!


~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓