addie & dustin
Treasure Island, Fla.

Meet Addie and Dustin. They had a family vacation in Florida.  Dustin planned to propose to Addie on this vacation (or so everyone thought) and encouraged both families to come celebrate with them.  What was really happening? Well… they’ve been engaged since October and were planning a surprise wedding for the end of the vacation! WHAT?! I’ll tell you more of the details in coming blog posts.

The day before their surprise wedding we took their engagement photos… 😀

We started their session at a local carnival.

My favorite ❗ Two things that make me love this image: 1) the carnival dude behind them. 2) the “I LOVE YOU” bear in the top right. 

…they really are the perfect pair…NAME THIS RIDE!My view…Mike’s. 🙂 

Then a little outfit change and on to the board walk we went!A little piece of trivia: Addie has been reading our blog for years and knew that Mike looked familiar… she remembered his eyes (how could you not?! 😀 ). Then, it dawned on her… they went to high school together in Fort Wayne, Indiana! 😀
Red, yellow, purple. I asked those girls to wear these colors so that this image would be awesome. Thank you for obliging 😉Mike’s favorite ❓Another piece of trivia: Dustin was a gymnast when he was a kid… 🙂 It seems that he still is! 😀


treasure island, fla.

wedding | 3.19.2011 | treasure island, fla.

together | 7.10.2010

engaged | 10.10.2010

addie | goldsmith, jewelry magazine technical editor and doula • hometown | lebanon, ind.

dustin | electrical engineer • hometown | milwaukee, wis.

how they met, as told by Addie | “, baby! I ordered him up online. 😀 We met for our first blind date at the Milwaukee Art Museum, then had lunch downtown, and walked all around the lakefront talking and holding hands. (I told my best friend Kristin after the first date, “I think I just met my husband.” Seriously.) He called me up later that evening for drinks – our second first date in one day!”




SEE! Proof of my hilarious jokes! 

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