
fresh start. fresh us. let’s do this!

mad props to all who sent these photos… takes kahunas… but, you did it. 🙂 proud of you.

I can’t wait to see where these next 6.5 months take us. After the success of the last healthy train… my hopes are high 😀 VERY high!

As I’m writing this entry, we’re up to 96 “before” photos. OHHH HELLL YESSSS!!!!! NINETY SIX BETTIES!!!!!! YESYESYESSSSS!!!!! How inspired and motivated does THAT make you?! Does wonders for me 🙂 (there are still a few more trickling in… if I don’t receive your photo before midnight… it’ll be too late 🙁 ) I’ve noticed that the key to success on the healthy train is having the support to back it up.  With SO many of us doing this as a team I just KNOW that we’re going to be seeing some SERIOUS numbers here! (BTW, if for some reason you don’t see your blurry photo here, will you please let me know? I’ve emailed everyone back to confirm that I’ve received their info… but I just want you all to double check for me 🙂  It’s a lot to keep track of!)

Speaking of serious numbers… Chris, you know… CHRIS… the guy who won by losing 25% of his body weight on the last train? He’s jumping back on 🙂 Since the end of the last train he’s lost another 21 lbs. Check him out!

So, because I’m making you all start fresh regardless of how much weight you’ve lost in the past… it’s only fair that I have to, too. So, here you go… my new “before” photo.

BUT, just because I’m starting fresh doesn’t mean that I can’t celebrate the weight I’ve already lost. 🙂 I’m really proud of this.

I’m a bit mad at myself for wearing such destructed jeans for my new photo… but they were the ones that fit me the tightest. (All of my new jeans that I bought for Vegas are already too big… it’s a bit frustrating… but even more exciting  😉 )

As I said the last time, I’m a weeee bit nervous about blogging about weight loss during our busy season with all of the traveling and I can’t put TOO much pressure on myself… so I promise to do the best I can, k? 🙂

OH, an FYI to all who are on the train. I’ve spent the morning creating an excel sheet in Google Docs… every one of you who sent in photos is on that list. I’ll soon be giving access to all of the competitors. There, you’ll be able to “weigh in” with your % lost every two weeks. All of the people on the train will be able to see if you’ve weighed in… and how well you’ve done 🙂 Accountability is a VERY powerful thing… TRUST me! 😉

A few things:

  • First official weigh in is April 30.
  • If you’re a twitterer, be sure to add the hashtag #healthytrain to your HT tweet.
  • Join  “bobbi’s healthy train” group on Facebook… ANYONE can join… not just the people with the before pics. My trainer is also a member… so if you have fitness questions, ask ‘em there!  We’d love to have you… 😀 Though, to be perfectly fair… I’m entering into my busy season and won’t be able to be an active contributor… many of our members are fantastic at giving good advice, feedback and encouragement.
  • You don’t have to be officially competing to participate.
  • If you haven’t measured yourself yet, DO IT!
  • We’ll be taking optional “progress pics” July 9 to keep the motivation levels high… OHHHH YESSSSSS!!!!

Can’t WAIT to see you all in 6.5 months!

love, bobbi ❗