



 This is so funny to me!  An empty salon with two people working on the same person 🙂 (PS. this is when you're supposed to laugh.  SO LAUGH!!!!)



 Kamala is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met… both inside and out.  SO, I sorta couldn't resist putting up lots of bridals of her.  CAN YOU BLAME ME?!


 woah! ::said like joey lawrence:: 






 MEANWHILE…. the guys were playing FOOOOTBALLLLLL!!!!!  This one one of the craziest/most fun group of guys we've ever met!






 GAHHHHH I LOVE THIS PHOTOOOOOO!!!!!  She's so proud and excited while he's about ready to lose it!  This is one of the best things about being a two-person photo team.  While Mike is getting the down the aisle shots, I'm always able to get the last moments with dad.  🙂 It's my favorite moment of almost every wedding 🙂


 Shot "guest eye" style! (I was sitting in the back pew) 😀






 This bridal party ROCKED!!!!!!


Just like with the bridal shots… I couldn't resist putting up so many of the photos that we took of just the two of them.  We found a REALLY fun setting with lots of color, too. So, WIN WIN!  

We call this next series "RGB"





 …Blue!  By the way, all three of the "RGB" are our favorites ❗ + ❓








 It's rare to see men really fight for the garter… I tell you, these guys did not disappoint.  The best man won it… and the way he's holding it reminds me of Link with his sword (you know, from Zelda!)


For any of you who follow me on twitter you saw that I talked about a wedding that when they played "Jai Ho", all of the guests JUMPED up and danced like no one was watching.  It was unbelievable.  PS. I've REALLY grown to LOVE my 5DmarkII 😉




PITTSBURGH, PA. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE DAY!!!!!!! I SO wish I were an amazing writer so I could tell you how flipping fantastic everything there was!  Luckily for you, we're pretty good photographers… so, we're able to show you how fantastic it was!!!!!

From the amazing weather, awesome friends, loving families, amazing planning… the day was PERFECTION! I know I say this all of the time but MAN OH MAN we have some phenomenal bridal parties that we get to work with… and these guys were NO exception!  It's not suprise that their friends are incredible people… because Kamala and Steve are about as awesome as awesome gets… so, yes yes yes… the surround themselves with awesome people.  The girls were SO incredibly fun and sweet!!!! The guys were, as I mentioned earlier… CRAZY!!!! Gosh, are you kidding me?! We had a blast!!!!!!

On a side note, here's a little b+m trivia.  The time between being a b+m bridesmaid and being a bride has never been such a stretch.  On April 1, 2006 Gaby and Rex got married… it was maybe our 3rd or 4th wedding we'd ever photographed. 😀 Kamala was a bridesmaid that day.   Then… nearly 3 years later… when Kamala got engaged, she remembered us!  HOW FLIPPING AWESOME IS THAT?!  I, of COURSE, remembered her… how could anyone ever forget her!  I'm still just blown away that someone would remember us after 3 years…. Thank you thank you THANK YOU Kamala for asking us to be there!!!!!!

Yes, yes…you've been waiting quite patiently.  Here it is!  The slide show's user name is Kamala's maiden name, and the password is Steve's last name is all lower case.

And of course, here's the link to their entire gallery!  The user key is again Steve's last name.  Enjoy!


Gaby+Rex on the left and Kamala on the right 😀



I know I've already said thank you… but wow… I can't say it enough.  Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!!!

Much love to ALL of you! 😀

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓



HAHAHA!  How funny is the groomsmen behind us!?  (Karen, doesn't Mike look like Jeffy in this photo?!)






 This is a new favorite action photo.  I'm sorry I'm so damn funny! 😉


 Sexy, duh.

❗ + ❓