

 Meet Maya 🙂 I love the "baby stretch face" 😀




Just call me Anne Geddes 😉


Mikey's favorite ❓


🙂 oh sooooo tiny….








 My favorite ❗


 On the left is Maya's brand spankin' new Curious George.  On the right is Jason's Curious George from his childhood. Oh, and in the middle is the beautiful Maya 🙂


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. We LOVE photographing newborns! We love how they move their new little bodies, how small they are, how animated they are, how sweeeeeeet they are! Now Maya is the smallest baby we've ever photographed as she was born just a few weeks early… and she's perfect! 🙂

Jason and Michelle… thank you thank you THANK YOU! 😀

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓


Cousin It? 😉

❗ + ❓