Meet Katie and Burny's dog Shortie 🙂
Mikey's favorite. ❓
My view. (and my favorite shot of the day ❗ )
Katie, you're so pretty!!!!!!
I SO wish I had long legs like this!
Guess what day in June they're getting married? I say perfect Save The Date card 🙂
We couldn't resist this hole in the wall!
We LOVE Louisville!!!!! Such a great photo setting!
Katie's only request 😉
Love is neat. 🙂
LOUISVILLE, Ky. Katie and Burny are such a fun couple! We LOVE being around them! Burny is so funny and Katie is ridiculously sweet…Have I mentioned that we love being around them?
The session started out, as you can see… with their dog Shortie 🙂 Katie's mom picked him up after a we took a few with her. Poor Mikey got slobberfied by Shortie, it was HILARIOUS!!!!!
Louisville… WOWZERRRRRS!!!! We LOVE that town!!!! Shooting there is SO fun! We got there early to scope some ideas for a location. Once we got there Katie suggested a spot, too. We started heading towards her idea when Mikey and I realized that we had all picked the same photo spots. Good work team! 😀
See you in Juuuuuuune!
~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓
Recently we got an email from a photographer who had a question 🙂 … her email was this:
"I have a goofy quick question … I am getting more and more into taking photos from ground level and noticed that you and Mike do that a lot (love the photos of you both in action!). Anyway, I was wondering if you took the time to lay a barrier on the ground or do you just get down and dirty? I ask, because I've laid down before and got my whole front a bit dusty and then felt a bit odd, and wondered if that was unprofessional of me. I can see guy photogs doing this with no questions, but is it okay for us girl photogs to get down and dirty on the job?"
My answer to this… and though I may be in the minority of other female wedding photographers… I do what I have to do to get the shot. Whether that's laying down in the dirt, sitting in an uncomfortable position, or just plain making a fool of myself… I'm not scared.
Again, I'm probably in the minority here. Maybe you've noticed that during an engagement session I don't dress up… I wear comfortable clothes. I'm not out there to impress anyone with my fashion sense (or lack thereof 🙂 )… I'm there to ensure that the people in front of my lens look great, feel great and get amazing photos.
And on a wedding day… same thing 🙂 I have my suit dry cleaned and heavily starched before every weekend… that way if I'm rolling around on the ground, just a little dust off of the suit… and it looks like it did when I first put it on that morning 🙂
So, I hope my ADD writing style was able to be followed and that I answered your question… EEEEEKS!!!!!!
Mike couldn't resist taking a photo. 🙂 Corrie, you jealous of that?!
:!: + ❓
Ooooh! I really like Mike’s fav too! Do mine eyes deceive me or was that taken with your awesome fun tilt-shift? And maybe the 5D Mk II gets announced tomorrow! The forums are a hoppin!
Hope you and Mike are doing great!!
Ah Louisville – I miss it. I love the bridges (did you see the purple one @ night?) and that green wall. Love it all!
Your foto is yery good. I like your duet!!!!
Love love love them. I do heart Mike’s favorite! Her leg up just adds that extra touch for me! 🙂
swoon, love. Way to rock Louisville!
I love love love you fav Bobbi, and the YAHOOOOSK one is totally ON! The lines ROCK. The one of them kissing in the leaves towards the end is beautiful!!! Great session you four! 🙂
LOOOOOUIISVVIILLLEEE!!!!! My home! I can’t believe my FAVORITE photogs in the WHOOOOOLE world were in my city and I missed it! 🙁
LOL These pics are amazing….seriously. HOOOOOOOW do you do it?!
Ohhhhh they are all AWESOME! I agree on the “27” picture for the Save the Date. Awesome.
Wowsers SUCH a great session! I love every single photo, but the last one (“love is neat”) is one of my all time favs.
b+m are (as always) the!
Oh, soooo sexy, the last one! I love it-my favorite. Katie-you look so beautiful! And Burny looks handsome. I am so thrilled they turned out so great! I am so happy for you guys! I love, love, love them all! Love the one with just your legs-so neat! I think I’m going to come back to this site and look at them 10 times today! :o) woohooooo!
Bobbi and Mike:
You guys are awesome!! We love love love the pictures! I love the last one–that was definitely worth ‘jumping the fence’ for. Thanks for going above and beyond for us. You guys are the bomb. Can’t wait for june!!
hmmm…yep, this is one of those blogs posts where i seriously love every. stinkin. shot. all of ’em! the locations are so ridiculous in the best way possible *sigh* i could go on and on about this one…love it!
how cute are you answering questions on the blog? p.s. your answer just further solidifies (as if there was ever any doubt to begin with) that you are the most incredible photographers around. its things like that about you two that make people like me change their wedding date so they can hire you! 🙂
and one last p.s….the last picute, yes the car one, has me in complete stitches. i can’t stop laughing!!!! you two rock hard core!
WOW. You guys are the bomb. We had so much fun taking pictures with you guys. We can’t wait to see you all at the wedding. I’m glad Mike got the picture of that awesome car; I think we might get that car to ride us around for the wedding?
BE-A-U-TI-FUL! Every single one of these is awesome. I think the 27 picture would make a great save the date card, as well.
OK! You guys always do awesome in different cities, finding cool settings…my favorite is the B&W one with all the arched architecture in the back. AND 27 is my lucky # so I love that one too!
OMG! These pictures are amazing! Love the one in the trees. MEOW! the 27….awesome!!
P.S. I’m glad you answered the question about how you shoot. GET DIRTY, GET CRAZY, JUST GET THE SHOT!
That silhouette shot is amazing! I love the doggy pic too.
FYI…at some point those damn glam Pitaya sunglasses better show up on the blog. Love you.
These are all awesome. And I totally agree, no questions asked – Im laying on the ground durring half my sessions! You should have seen me durring my engagement session at disneyland I shot this weekend – people were walking over me the whole day giving me some very strange looks 😉 (check back on my blog at the end of the week!) 🙂
GORGEOUS! I am so enamored by your work and your philosophy. I too do what it takes to get the shot and if i get a little dirty in the mean time, so be it! I’ve been calf deep in mucky muddy sand, scraped my bare feet on ocean crustaceans, cut my leg on a rogue cement boulder and not realized it till after the formals were over that I was bleeding down my leg and had to wonder back through the entire reception hall to my main bag and the bathroom to wash up since I didn’t have my bandaid kit in my shootsac. Generally I hate to be dirty, but when it comes to getting the shot – no holds barred! If i do end up a little less neat and presentable than I started, at least I know that the client saw me get that way – usually I get tagged a trooper at that point.
You are an inspiration (to me at least, but I’m sure I’m not the only one)! The other day on twitter I sent you a RAH (random act of hugging) to cheer up your bad day, but sometime in the middle of not sleeping it occured to me you probably don’t see @replies to those you don’t follow, so I’m including it here as well. Cheers!
omg jealous you have a tilt-shift! i tried one out a long time ago, and am hoping that i win the lotto or something to be able to afford it! 🙂
awesome photos, as always 🙂
Ain’t nothing wrong with your writing style, sweetie!
I get down and dirty too, like you said, whatever it takes to get the shot. I LOVE the pics you put up of you and Mike in action. Very cool.
And oh yeah, these shots are great! I love the ‘save the date” card one!
I loooove this session!!! Awesome you two!!
Man, I’ve sat and laid down in things that aren’t get that shot 😉 I’m like you, wedding day I’ll snazz it up, but otherwise, man I can’t afford to split any more dress pants hahahaaaa!!
Christina… I won’t lie, I’ve ripped MANY of dress pant liners. 🙂 I go through about 5 suits a year… HA!
Good for you for getting down and dirty during a shoot!!! These rock as always…Louisville has some killer spots!
The last pic, the closer-up of you and your camera – what’s the square doo-dad between your lens and your camera? I feel like an idiot for asking!!! Is it what you guys are using for selective focus?
it’s a tilt shift lens 🙂
awww i love the shot with their pup. we’ve got one just like him! 🙂 great photos guys!
Love Love Love Love that you rocked my hometown like this! We have used a couple of those lo-kals for our shots and we heart them so much! Although when I saw this post I turned into a “debbie downer” b/c my idol photographers were here, right next to me, and I didn’t have a clue. My red-head radar must have ran out of batteries or something b/c you can bet your money on the fact that I soooooo would’ve been stocking you around town! Anywho, if you happened to need a helping hand in any way or just want someone to buy you guys lunch when you come back for the nuptials, just give a shout, we would love to pick your brains!!!
Its fun shooting in a new place, isn’t it? I’m sure you were pressed for time/traveling. Let me know next time you are coming to town, would love to connect even if for a short time. hugs- Eric
amazing as always guys! you keep rolling in that mud girl! (it’s good for the skin anyway!)
Bobbi and Mike-
These pictures are so wonderful… fun and tender and still sexy! Although I know you had two amazing subjects to work with!!
Katie and Burny-
I LOVE THESE!!!! Katie you look fantastic(!!), and David would like to know what kind of steroids Burny is using so he can try to get some. Loooove the long legs picture– you two are just so cozy and your comfort with each other really shows in these pictures. You can’t help but smile looking through them!!!! YAY!!!
Love these guys – especially that 1st & 3rd shot!!
Hey Bobster,
I love you. I love Louisville, as well. The places your team chose for your photo shoot are awesome.
I have too many favorites. Here they are, as followed:
1. The puppy dog photo. I need one of Maggie Mae.
2. Mikey’s favorite. I love the effects.
3. Your favorite of the day. It could be on a “Romance” greeting card.
4. Lounging on the steps. I love the color and effects.
5. The hole in the wall. You know how I love your B&W shots.
6. Last but not least, the photo in the trees.
Katie and Burny should be very pleased with you and Mikey’s ability to capture their love on film.
Love you, Both,